Florida International University
- Miami
A social networking service scraper in Python
HIT-SCIR / ELMoForManyLangs
Forked from bozheng-hit/ELMoPre-trained ELMo Representations for Many Languages
An open-source NLP research library, built on PyTorch.
A Python 3 library and a corresponding command line utility for accessing old tweets
Pytorch implementation of the GradNorm. GradNorm addresses the problem of balancing multiple losses for multi-task learning by learning adjustable weight coefficients.
This in my Demo of Chen et al. "GradNorm: Gradient Normalization for Adaptive Loss Balancing in Deep Multitask Networks" ICML 2018
🐍 Geometric Computer Vision Library for Spatial AI
Second-order differentiable PyTorch GRUs in JIT with TorchScript
Text classification using deep learning models in Pytorch
PyTorch implementations of Generative Adversarial Networks.
tetegra / AlphaTree-graphic-deep-neural-network
Forked from weslynn/AlphaTree-graphic-deep-neural-network深度神经网络(DNN)与对抗神经网络(GAN)模型总览图示,建立模型发展路书(roadmap),方便大家的理解与学习
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
Re-implement Kaiming He's deep residual networks in tensorflow. Can be trained with cifar10.