Web: https://tetu.io/
Docs: https://docs.tetu.io/
Discord: https://discord.gg/DSUKVEYuax
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tetu_io
- [operator]
hardhat deploy --network matic
- [tetu governance] announce strategy for splitter
- [tetu governance] converterController(0x2df21e2a115fcB3d850Fbc67237571bBfB566e99).setWhitelistValues([strategyAddress], true)
- [tetu governance] check liquidator routes and add if it is needed
- [operator] strategy.setLiquidationThreshold((asset, threshold) (for each 1000)
- [operator] strategy.seReinvestThreholdPercent((thresholdPerc18) (10)
- [operator] strategy.setStrategyProfitHolder(strategyAddress)
- [tetu governance] change if need strategy.setupPerformanceFee(30000, treasury,0)
- [operator] rebalanceDebtConfig.setConfig(strategyAddr, lockedPercentForDelayedRebalance, lockedPercentForForcedRebalance, rebalanceDebtDelay)
- [tetu governance] Register RebalanceResolver as operator
- [operator] add task for NSR with RebalanceResolver address, register task executer in the resolver
- [operator] run locally
- [operator] run on server
npm run rebalance:matic
with env vars set - [operator] after 18h add strategy to splitter