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MiniProject2: Phase2: Store info on NPM packages in MongoDB

Task: Getting Release info from GitHub on NPM packages


NPM package list

The list of packages is unique to each one of you: /data/NPMvulnerabilities/NPMpkglist/NPMpkglist_XX.gz where XX is between 0 and 33: to find your number look at the list below.


  1. Download and store data from npm on all your packages on mongodb database: fdac18mp2, collection: npm_yourutkid, the example code is in
zcat /data/NPMvulnerabilities/NPMpkglist/NPMpkglist_XX.gz | python3
  1. Identify the packages that have GH repos (based on the stored info)
import pymongo, json, sys
client = pymongo.MongoClient ()
db = client ['fdac18mp2']
id = sys.argv[1] #your utkid
coll = db [ 'npm_' + id]
for r in coll.find():
  if 'collected' in r:
    r = r['collected']
    if 'metadata' in r:
      r = r['metadata']
      if 'repository' in r:
        r = r['repository']
        if 'url' in r:
          r = r['url']
          print (r)

Suppose the above code is in To output the urls:

python3 > myurls
  1. For each such package, get a list of all releases. Example file is (you can use it with the snippet above to get releases). It reads from standard input and populates releases_yourutkid collection. Reference to Github API:
  1. Extract releases from mongodb
import pymongo, json, sys
client = pymongo.MongoClient (host="da1")
db = client ['fdac18mp2']
id = "audris"
coll = db [ 'releases_' + id]
for r in coll.find():
  n = r['name']
  if 'values' in r:
    for v in r['values']:
      if 'tag_name' in v:
        print (n+';'+v['tag_name'])

Suppose the above code is in To output the urls:

cat myurls | python3 > myrels
  1. Find no. of commits between the latest and other releases.

For example: E.g. or More resource: (look for comparing the tags in the answer) Get the data from the json, look for something like to get no. of commits between releases

 "status": "ahead",
 "ahead_by": 24,
 "behind_by": 0,
 "total_commits": 24,

For example

cat myrels | python3
number GitHub Username NetID Name
0 3PIV pprovins Provins IV, Preston
1 BrettBass13 bbass11 Bass, Brett Czech
2 CipherR9 gyj992 Johnson, Rojae Antonio
3 Colsarcol cmawhinn Mawhinney, Colin Joseph
4 EvanEzell eezell3 Ezell, Evan Collin
5 MikeynJerry jdunca51 Duncan, Jerry
6 Tasmia trahman4 Rahman, Tasmia
7 awilki13 awilki13 Wilkinson, Alex Webb
8 bryanpacep1 jpace7 Pace, Jonathan Bryan
9 caiwjohn cjohn3 John, Cai William
10 cflemmon cflemmon Flemmons, Cole
11 dbarry9 dbarry Barry, Daniel Patrick
12 desai07 adesai6 Desai, Avie
13 gjones1911 gjones2 Jones, Gerald Leon
14 herronej eherron5 Herron, Emily Joyce
15 hossain-rayhan rhossai2 Hossain, Rayhan
16 jdong6 jdong6 Dong, Jeffrey Jing
17 jyu25utk jyu25 Yu, Jinxiao
18 mkramer6 mkramer6 Kramer, Matthew S
19 mmahbub mmahbub Mahbub, Maria
20 nmansou4 nmansou4 Mansour, Nasib
21 nschwerz nschwerz Schwerzler, Nicolas Winfield William
22 rdabbs42 rdabbs1 Dabbs, Rosemary
23 saramsv mousavi Mousavicheshmehkaboodi, Sara
24 spaulsteinberg ssteinb2 Steinberg, Samuel Paul
25 zol0 akarnauc Karnauch, Andrey
26 zrandall zrandall Randall, Zachary Adams
27 lpassarella lpassare Passarella, Linsey Sara
28 tgoedecke pgoedec1 Goedecke, Trish
29 ray830305 hchang13 Chang, Hsun Jui
30 ssravali ssadhu2 Sadhu, Sri Ravali
31 diadoo jpovlin Povlin, John P
32 mander59 mander59 Anderson, Matt Mcguffee
33 iway1 iway1 Way, Isaac Caldwell

MiniProject2: Phase1: Discover a list of projects on and

These two forges present two different types of data discovery challenges.

SourceForge actively prevents discovery. Over ten years ago it was the largest forge but as it started losing market share to other forges, they started blocking project discovery.

GitLab, on the other hand, has an error-prone API that is highly unreliable.

Part 1

  • Discover at least 50 projects on SourceForge and GitLab whose names start with the letter (case insensitive) in front of your name in the list below.
  • Provide the IPython notebook you used to discovery the data.

You are free to use any method, including a list compiled by someone else, search on google search engine, etc. but you do need to verify that the discovered projects currently exist on these forges by retrieving the url of the version control repository used by the project.

Please use the Google Cloud VM when discovering the project names to avoid accidentally causing UTK to be blocked.

Letter GitHub Username NetID Name
a 3PIV pprovins Provins IV, Preston
b BrettBass13 bbass11 Bass, Brett Czech
c CipherR9 gyj992 Johnson, Rojae Antonio
d Colsarcol cmawhinn Mawhinney, Colin Joseph
e EvanEzell eezell3 Ezell, Evan Collin
f MikeynJerry jdunca51 Duncan, Jerry
g Tasmia trahman4 Rahman, Tasmia
h awilki13 awilki13 Wilkinson, Alex Webb
i bryanpacep1 jpace7 Pace, Jonathan Bryan
j caiwjohn cjohn3 John, Cai William
k cflemmon cflemmon Flemmons, Cole
l dbarry9 dbarry Barry, Daniel Patrick
m desai07 adesai6 Desai, Avie
n gjones1911 gjones2 Jones, Gerald Leon
o herronej eherron5 Herron, Emily Joyce
p hossain-rayhan rhossai2 Hossain, Rayhan
q jdong6 jdong6 Dong, Jeffrey Jing
r jyu25utk jyu25 Yu, Jinxiao
s mkramer6 mkramer6 Kramer, Matthew S
t mmahbub mmahbub Mahbub, Maria
u nmansou4 nmansou4 Mansour, Nasib
v nschwerz nschwerz Schwerzler, Nicolas Winfield William
w rdabbs42 rdabbs1 Dabbs, Rosemary
x saramsv mousavi Mousavicheshmehkaboodi, Sara
y spaulsteinberg ssteinb2 Steinberg, Samuel Paul
z zol0 akarnauc Karnauch, Andrey
a zrandall zrandall Randall, Zachary Adams
b lpassarella lpassare Passarella, Linsey Sara
c tgoedecke pgoedec1 Goedecke, Trish
d ray830305 hchang13 Chang, Hsun Jui
e ssravali ssadhu2 Sadhu, Sri Ravali
f diadoo jpovlin Povlin, John P
g mander59 mander59 Anderson, Matt Mcguffee
h iway1 iway1 Way, Isaac Caldwell

GitLab discovery

GitLab provides APIs to retrieve project urls.
Here is sample code for collecting project urls (and storing data in mongodb):

import sys
import re
import pymongo
import json
import time
import datetime
import requests

dbname = "fdac18mp2" #please use this database
collname = "glprj_yourutkid" #please modify so you store data in your collection
# beginning page index
begin = "0"
client = pymongo.MongoClient()

db = client[dbname]
coll = db[collname]

beginurl = "" + begin + \

gleft = 0

header = {'per_page': 99}

# check remaining query chances for rate-limit restriction
def wait(left):
    global header
    while (left < 20):
        l = requests.get('', headers=header)
        if (l.ok):
            left = int(l.headers.get('RateLimit-Remaining'))
        time .sleep(60)
    return left

# send queries and extract urls 
def get(url, coll):

    global gleft
    global header
    global bginnum
    gleft = wait(gleft)
    values = []
    size = 0

        r = requests .get(url, headers=header)
        time .sleep(0.5)
        # got blocked
        if r.status_code == 403:
            return "got blocked", str(bginnum)
        if (r.ok):

            gleft = int(r.headers.get('RateLimit-Remaining'))
            lll = r.headers.get('Link')
            t = r.text
            array = json.loads(t)
            for el in array:
            #next page
            while ('; rel="next"' in lll):
                gleft = int(r.headers.get('RateLimit-Remaining'))
                gleft = wait(gleft)
                # extract next page url
                ll = lll.replace(';', ',').split(',')
                url = ll[ll.index(' rel="next"') -
                         1].replace('<', '').replace('>', '').lstrip()
                    r = requests .get(url, headers=header)
                    if r.status_code == 403:
                        return "got blocked", str(bginnum)
                    if (r.ok):
                        lll = r.headers.get('Link')
                        t = r.text
                        array1 = json.loads(t)
                        for el in array1:
                        sys.stderr.write("url can not found:\n" + url + '\n')
                except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
                    sys.stderr.write('could not get ' + url + '\n')

            sys.stderr.write("url can not found:\n" + url + '\n')

    except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
        sys.stderr.write('could not get ' + url + '\n')
    except Exception as e:
        sys.stderr.write(url + ';' + str(e) + '\n')
#start retrieving        

Note that the parameters in the sample code are not optimal. Please feel free to tune them. This sample code is not robust enough to deal with various returned errors from query. You might need to investigate errors encountered individually.


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published


  • Python 69.7%
  • Jupyter Notebook 30.3%