Visivo project to visualize key Github information
Pre-built dashboards to help visualize your Linear projects, issues and employee completions based on tables from the fivetran linear connector.
Visivo project to visualize pytest results
normalize async job control api for vim and neovim
The static site generator for Grav CMS
LibreCAD is a cross-platform 2D CAD program written in C++17. It can read DXF/DWG files and can write DXF/PDF/SVG files. It supports point/line/circle/ellipse/parabola/spline primitives. The user i…
Command line utility for Programmable XBee modules (S2B,S2C). Looking for feedback!
Harness Open Source is an end-to-end developer platform with Source Control Management, CI/CD Pipelines, Hosted Developer Environments, and Artifact Registries.
Ember.js HTML5 file uploading with drag & drop and image/file preview.
OpenProject is the leading open source project management software.
[deprecated] Yeoman generator for Ember.js web applications
The Ember.js command line utility.
Simple bower registry using node and redis.
JavaScript Regular expressions made easy
Generate Konacha spec infrastructure for your Ember-Rails apps
A demo app that shows how to use Raphael.js in an Ember.js app
Grunt task for running Jasmine specs
A cross-platform programmer's editor written in Ruby.
Experimental Terminal platform built on WebKit + node.js. Currently only for Mac and Windows, though the prototype works 90% in any WebKit browser.