tl;dr: download generated cv.
You would need
For optional pdf generation with libreoffice backend
app-office/libreoffice || app-office/libreoffice-bin
: https://www.libreoffice.orgapp-text/poppler
: for cleaning empty pages generated by libreoffice
For optional pdf generation with pandoc backend
: Gentoo users, you can find it in the haskell overlay
Then you can install it with
pip install .
The main entrypoint is the executable, cv
Feed it the wanted config, it will output the wanted format to stdout.
cv odt < config.toml > cv.odt
cv pdf < config.toml > cv.pdf
Or with your preferred viewer
cv pdf < config.toml | zathura -
You can also use the library directly.
import tomlkit
from curriculum_vitae import generate
with open("config.toml") as f:
config = tomlkit.load(f)
doc = generate(config)