SequenceDiagram for IntelliJ IDEA
with this plugin, you can
- generate Simple Sequence Diagram.
- Navigate the code by click the diagram shape.
- Delete Class from diagram.
- Export the diagram as image.
- Export the diagram as PlantUML file.
- Exclude classes from diagram by Settings > Tools > Sequence Diagram
- Smart Interface(experimental)
- Lambda Expression(experimental)
The experimental features are created by myself, which is not part of UML standard. Use this feature in your own risk.
Find the implementation of the interface smartly. e.g.
public interface Fruit {
int eat();
public class Apple implements Fruit {
public int eat() {
return 5;
implemented the Fruit
interface. When we generate sequence diagram for the eatFruit
public class People {
private Fruit fruit = new Apple();
public void eatFruit() {;
I draw dummy implementation call
in dash line.
For the interface or abstract class, if there is only one implementation found, it will draw in diagram automatically. More than one implementations, you need to choose one to draw. this is an option in settings.
No standard for the lambda expression in the sequence diagram yet. So I create mine. e.g.
public interface Service<Int, String> {
String invoke(Int a);
And I need draw the sequence diagram for hello
public class Lambda {
public Service<Integer, String> hello() {
return a -> {
Fruit fruit = new Apple();;
return "I'm good!";
I draw a dummy λ→
self call in diagram.
SequenceDiagram ONLY generate sequence diagram for the CURRENT method of JAVA file in the editor.
- Open a JAVA file in editor.
- Navigate to one Method, which you want to generate sequence diagram. Place the caret inside Method name, (See the screenshot bellow)
- From the
>Sequence Diagram...
Place the caret inside the method name, trigger it from Tools
menu or context
menu > Sequence Diagram...
Current Verison 2.0
versions: Changelog
- SequencePlugin Maintained by Kentaur(Kesh Sibilev, [email protected]) until 2011
- SequencePluginReload Maintained by Vanhg(Evan Fan, [email protected]) 2011 - 2015
- SequenceDiagram Maintained by Vanco(Evan Fan, [email protected]) since 2016 {:height="32px" width="32px"}
Since 2011, I found a solution of NPE of original SequencePlugin, so I write email to Kentaur with my solution, He said he was not coding any more. Instead, he send me the code. I fix the NPE issue and publish to plugin repository with new name SequencePluginReload.
But in 2015, the IntelliJ change the login system, and I lost my account, cannot continue publish new version to the repository.
In 2016, I change the Name again to SequenceDiagram and host the source code on github. Now it open source.
Thanks Kentaur for the great work on the original source.