Shell script to convert strokes in an SVG to paths using Inkscape's CLI.
I needed a tool that converts strokes into paths for a font automation tool. Long story short, FontForge really does not like strokes.
This script is an incredibly hacky way of doing this, but it gets the job done.
Rather than implementing a custom algorithm to do stroke conversion, it uses Inkscape's command-line-interface (CLI) to do the heavy lifting. It's not pretty... So this is not recommended for production.
- Inkscape
- On macOS, install Brew, then run
brew cask install inkscape
- On macOS, install Brew, then run
Note: The script has only been tested on Inkscape versions:
- Inkscape 0.92.2 5c3e80d, 2017-08-06
- Inkscape 1.0beta1 (32d4812, 2019-09-19)
- Inkscape 1.1.1 (c3084ef, 2021-09-22)
make install
$ svg-stroke-to-path -h
Usage: svg-stroke-to-path select_method select_attr file ...
select_method can be one of:
* All - Select all objects
* AllInAllLayers - Select all objects in all visible and
unlocked layers
* SameFillStroke - Select all objects with the same fill
and stroke as the selected objects
* SameFillColor - Select all objects with the same fill
as the selected objects
* SameStrokeColor - Select all objects with the same
stroke as the selected objects
* SameStrokeStyle - Select all objects with the same stroke
style (width, dash, markers) as the selected objects
select_attr can be a variety of SVG attributes, for example:
* 'stroke="#000"'
* 'fill="#000"'
* 'stroke="red" stroke-weight="2"'
svg-stroke-to-path SameStrokeColor 'stroke="#000"' test/input.svg
Running this command will launch Inkscape for a split second, so don't be shocked!