- Portland, Or
Template import support in Ember!
A simple ts-node script to check PACT contracts against json-schema files
Uses Postgres SQL to generate JSON directly based on your AMS class
Custom React hooks for your project.
Manage Ember FastBoot memory usage using process pools
Examples of memory leaks and common patterns that cause them
Adds Lambda@Edge support to Serverless
Primitives for handling loading state in Ember apps
{{mount}} lazy loading route-less engines
Analyze the size and contents of your Ember app's bundles
Use TypeScript in your Ember.js apps!
Compiling Ember apps into spec-compliant, modern Javascript.
Add performance information to Chrome's Timeline for Ember applications
Lint your app's addon dependencies, making sure you only have one version of each.
Measure user-percieved performance data in your ember.js app
The Simple, Secure Framework Developers Trust
Adds New Relic to your Ember CLI app based on the app's environment
Pods + angle bracket component = modern Ember-y goodness
Render components directly from routes in Ember
🚀 An ember-cli addon for Apollo Client and GraphQL
ActiveModel::Serializer implementation and Rails hooks
A mixin for Ember Data JSON API serializers to save relationship data
Lerna is a fast, modern build system for managing and publishing multiple JavaScript/TypeScript packages from the same repository.
Automated migration for new Ember application layout.
Support for targeted yield slots within a component block