evcc Add-on for Home Assistant OS
Follow these steps to get the add-on installed on your system:
Navigate in your Home Assistant frontend to Supervisor -> Add-on Store.
Click -> Add-on Store.
Click -> three dots -> Repositories.
Click -> three dots -> Repositories.
Copy "https://github.com/evcc-io/hassio-addon" Click -> Add
Reload the WebSite (CTRL+R or CTRL+F5 or CTRL+Fn+F5)
Find the "evcc" add-on and click it.
Click on the "INSTALL" button.
Go to Information nenu in the "evcc" Addon and activate "show in side bar" (evcc UI
) -
Go to Configuration menu and select your working directory (example):
- config_file: /config/evcc.yaml - sqlite_file: /data/evcc.db
Alternative file location:
- config_file: /config/evcc/evcc.yaml
- sqlite_file: /config/evcc/evcc.db
You have to copy the /data/evcc.db to /config/evcc !
- evcc configuration file evcc.yaml
Copy https://github.com/evcc-io/evcc/blob/master/evcc.dist.yaml to your homeassistant/config/ directory
Rename evcc.dist.yaml to evcc.yaml (note: configure first to your needs the evcc.yaml or use a working configuration)
Location of "config" directroy in HA:
The Home Assistant Addon evcc is based on docker, there is no possibility to create a configuration file for evcc inside the evcc docker with "evcc configure"!
As a result of this a working evcc configuration is required.
To do this, perform the steps in the documentation of evcc to create a configuration file "evcc.yaml":
Configuration of evcc
Create a folder e.g. /evcc in homeassitant config directory (/homeassistant or /config).
Install "Advanced SSH & Web Terminal" (Advanced Version!!!)
switch off "secure mode"
restart addon
start UI
docker -ps a
save the CONTAINER ID of evcc/evcc:0.130.12 -> e.g. 6d0b4119b012 (CONTAINER ID of EVCC)
List the files in /data:
docker exec 6d0b4119b012 ls -la /data
you will find your evcc.db
Copy your evcc to /config/evcc:
docker cp 6d0b4119b012:/data/evcc.db /homeassistant/evcc/