light_ai Public
A speech-to-text chat agent with multiple tools. Utilizes Gemini, OpenAI, Wolfram|Alpha, openweathermap, and a few other APIs. Can manipulate files and web browsers. Currently working on implementi…
Python GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 26, 2024 -
stock_watch_list_analysis Public
Renders an analysis of the user's stock watch list which can be used to inform investment decisions and/or train ML models or trading bots.
hey_data Public
A speech-to-text chat agent with multiple tools. Utilizes Gemini, OpenAI, Wolfram|Alpha, openweathermap, and a few other APIs. Can manipulate files and web browsers. Currently working on implementi…
web_scraping_research_agent Public
Operations research data aggregation tool for restaurant & hospitality competitive market analysis leveraging geolocation APIs and web scraping.
Python MIT License UpdatedSep 29, 2024 -
offline_file_translation Public
Text file language translation app that translates .txt, .csv, and .xlsx files on the local device using compact open source LLMs (no internet connection needed). Uses batch processing and token ch…
google_gemini_pro_chat Public
Straightforward command line chat interface for the Google gemini-pro LLM. Includes a version with plain gemini along with 2 alternate scripts that inject supporting info relevant to the user's que…
restaurant_sales_dashboard Public
Development project for a restaurant sales dashboard using Python, Dash, Docker, and deploying on Render or AWS. Mimics Power BI or Looker reports / dashboards with a simple presentation - free / o…
Python UpdatedSep 27, 2024