android interview experience and question in (android、java、data structure、tcp/ip、os)
thefirstcoder / git-recipes
Forked from geeeeeeeeek/git-recipesGit recipes in Chinese by Zhongyi Tong. 高质量的Git中文教程.
🥡 Git recipes in Chinese by Zhongyi Tong. 高质量的Git中文教程.
A declarative API to handle Android runtime permissions.
Deep Learning Book Chinese Translation
Deep Learning Book Chinese Translation
Project vlayout is a powerfull LayoutManager extension for RecyclerView, it provides a group of layouts for RecyclerView. Make it able to handle a complicate situation when grid, list and other lay…
A powerful, customizable and extensible ViewPager indicator framework. As the best alternative of ViewPagerIndicator, TabLayout and PagerSlidingTabStrip —— 强大、可定制、易扩展的 ViewPager 指示器框架。是ViewPagerInd…
🐈 RxJava+Retrofit+Okhttp+Glide + A life tool App, contains modules: news; jokes; constellation fortune; LED; weather; calendar; two-dimensional code, and more ... 小秋魔盒是一个生活工具 App,主要功能有:新闻资讯;微信精选美文;…
Views and Drawable for displaying animated GIFs on Android
Views and Drawable for displaying animated GIFs on Android
AgentWeb is a powerful library based on Android WebView.
translated circleImage all screen.
An Android Animation library which easily add itemanimator to RecyclerView items.
Library containing common animations needed for transforming ViewPager scrolling for Android v13+.
thefirstcoder / MPAndroidChart
Forked from PhilJay/MPAndroidChartA powerful Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- pie- radar- bubble- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, dragging and animations.
thefirstcoder / gitignore
Forked from github/gitignoreA collection of useful .gitignore templates
this is a demo of circle imageview and translated on all screen.
In the Movie "-your name.-" (君の名は。, 你的名字) , "My Diary" of android version.
Bind Android views and callbacks to fields and methods.