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Puppet module for Podium.

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This is the repository containing a puppet module for deploying the Podium application, an open source, microservices based request portal.

The module creates the system user podium, downloads and installs the Podium services application, and configures the databases. The repository used to fetch the required Podium packages from is configurable and defaults to

Dependencies and installation

Puppet modules

The module depends on the java, stdlib, archive, postgresql and elasticsearch modules.

The most convenient way is to run puppet module install as root:

sudo puppet module install puppetlabs-java
sudo puppet module install puppetlabs-stdlib
sudo puppet module install puppet-archive
sudo puppet module install puppetlabs-postgresql
sudo puppet module install elastic-elasticsearch

Alternatively, the modules and their dependencies can be cloned from and copied into /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules:

git clone java
pushd java; git checkout 3.3.0; popd
git clone stdlib
pushd stdlib; git checkout 4.17.0; popd
git clone archive
pushd archive; git checkout v3.0.0; popd
git clone postgresql
pushd postgresql; git checkout 4.7.1; popd
git clone elasticsearch
pushd elasticsearch; git checkout 6.3.4; popd
cp -r stdlib archive postgresql elasticsearch /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/

Install the podium module

Copy the podium module repository to the /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules directory:

cd /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules
git clone podium


The node manifest

For each node where you want to install Podium, the module needs to be included with include ::podium::complete. For installation of Elasticsearch, a suitable package manager needs to be available with an up-to-date version of Elasticsearch (≥ 7).

Here is an example manifest file manifests/

node '' {
  include ::apt  
  include ::podium::complete

The node manifest can also be in another file, e.g., site.pp.

Configuring a node using Hiera

It is preferred to configure the module parameters using Hiera.

To activate the use of Hiera, configure /etc/puppetlabs/code/hiera.yaml. Example:

  - yaml
  :datadir: '/etc/puppetlabs/code/hieradata'
  - '%{::clientcert}'
  - 'default'

Defaults can then be configured in /etc/puppetlabs/code/hieradata/default.yaml, e.g.:

podium::podium_version: 1.0.4

postgresql::globals::version: 9.6 # the postgresql server version to use/install.
postgresql::globals::manage_package_repo: false # use the default package repository to install postgresql.

# Apt source configuration for Elasticsearch 7
    location: ''
    release: 'stable'
    repos: 'main'
      id: '46095ACC8548582C1A2699A9D27D666CD88E42B4'
      server: ''
      src: false

Machine specific configuration should be in /etc/puppetlabs/code/hieradata/${hostname}.yaml, e.g., /etc/puppetlabs/code/hieradata/

podium::gateway_db_password: choose a secure password
podium::uaa_db_password: choose a secure password
podium::registry_git_ssh_key: |

Configuring a node in the manifest file

Alternatively, the node specific configuration can also be done with class parameters in the node manifest. Here is an example:

node '' {
    # Site specific configuration for Podium
    class { '::podium::params':
        app_url              => '',
        gateway_db_password  => 'choose a secure password',
        uaa_db_password      => 'choose a secure password',
        registry_git_ssh_key => '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----',

    include ::podium::complete

Configuring the use of a proxy

node '' {

    # Configure a proxy for fetching artefacts
    Archive::Nexus {
        proxy_server => 'http://proxyurl:80',
    # Configure a proxy for fetching packages with yum
    Yumrepo {
        proxy => 'http://proxyurl:80',

Masterless installation

It is also possible to use the module without a Puppet master by applying a manifest directly using puppet apply.

There is an example manifest in examples/complete.pp.

sudo puppet apply --modulepath=${modulepath} examples/complete.pp

where modulepath is a list of directories where Puppet can find modules in, separated by the system path-separator character (on Ubuntu/CentOS it is :). Example:

sudo puppet apply --modulepath=${HOME}/puppet/:/etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/ examples/complete.pp


There are some automated tests, run using rake.

A version of ruby before 2.4 is required. rvm can be used to install a specific version of ruby. Use rvm install 2.4 to use ruby version 2.4.

Rake tests

Install rake using the system-wide ruby:

yum install ruby-devel
gem install bundler
export PUPPET_VERSION=5.5.22

or using rvm:

rvm install 2.4
gem install bundler
export PUPPET_VERSION=5.5.22

Run the test suite:

rake test


Overview of the classes defined in this module.

Class name Description
::podium Creates the system user.
::podium::config Generates the application configuration.
::podium::artefacts Downloads the requires artefacts.
::podium::services Creates and starts the Podium services.
::podium::database Configures PostgreSQL databases.
::podium::complete Installs all of the above.

Module parameters

Overview of the parameters that can be used in Hiera to configure the module. Alternatively, the parameters of the ::podium::params class can be used to configure these settings.

Hiera key Default value Description
podium::nexus_url The Nexus/Maven repository server.
podium::registry_version 1.0.2 The version of the Podium registry to install.
podium::registry_repository releases The repository to use for the registry. [snapshots, releases]
podium::podium_version 1.0.4 The version of Podium to install.
podium::podium_repository releases The repository to use for Podium. [snapshots, releases]
podium::user podium System user that owns the application assets.
podium::user_home /home/${user} The user home directory
podium::gateway_db_password The password for the Gateway database.
podium::uaa_db_password The password for the Uaa database.
podium::app_url The address where the Podium application will be available.
podium::gateway_app_port 8080 The port where the Gateway service should listen on.
podium::registry_memory 200m Memory allocated for the Registry service.
podium::gateway_memory 2g Memory allocated for the Gateway service.
podium::uaa_memory 1g Memory allocated for the UAA service.
podium::reply_address The email address used in emails.
podium::request_template_tokens [] Basic authentication tokens username:password for the request template endpoint.
podium::disable_services false (Temporarily) disable the services.

Access to the config repository is possible through ssh. Generate a key pair with ssh-keygen -f bbmri-podium-config, upload the public key to, and set the private key using the podium::registry_git_ssh_key property.

Note that the modules only serves the application over plain HTTP, by configuring a simple Apache virtual host. For enabling HTTPS, a separate Apache instance needs to be setup as a proxy. Typically, the application should be installed in a small virtual machine where this module is applied, with an SSL proxy installed on the host machine.


Copyright © 2017–2021 The Hyve.

The puppet module for Podium is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see