Releases: thekampany/tripproject
v0.2.0 Lines and Heatmap
On the tripmap for a day you can now select if you want to see the markers (your planned hotel, restaurant) and or any planned routes and or tracked locations as points or lines or heatmap via Dawarich and or locations where you took a photo according to Immich.
Fixes in background tasks for integrations
Fixes in background tasks for integrations. Datetime of photo is saved and presented in localDateTime from Immich.
Added markertype Restaurant.
Trips, TripExpenses and Integrations
New: add / view expenses made by the trippers and calculate who owes how much to who.
New: optionally add Dawarich and Immich api-keys. This will plot visited locations and photos on the tripmap. So now you can plan where to go with the app, and also see what your actual route was.
For a trip organizer: Create a tribe, create a trip, organize every for the trip: dayprograms, points, bingocards, add documents and links.
For someone on the organized trip: See the days of the trip, see the map of the trip, do suggestions, add images, upload answers to bingocards.
First release of holidaytrip