This is a simple Laravel application that illustrates appointment system concepts. The application provides CRUD operations for Officers, Activities, Visitors, and WorkDays.
- Officer CRUD: Fields include Name, Post, Status, WorkStartTime, WorkEndTime. Status can be Active or Inactive.
- Activity CRUD: Fields include OfficerId, VisitorId, Name, Type, Status, date, StartTime, EndTime, AddedOn. Type can be Leave, Appointment, and Break. Status can be Active, Cancelled, or Deactivated.
- Visitor CRUD: Fields include Name, Mobile No, Email Address, Status. Status can be Active or Inactive.
- WorkDays CRUD: Fields include OfficerId, DayOfWeek.
This project does not consist of things like authentication, authorization, and other advanced features. It only consists of a straightforward implementation of the logic mentioned in the notes section.
- User should be able to add/update work days of officer while creating or updating officer.
- User should be able to create appointment for a guest with any officer.
- User should be able to create leave for an officer.
- User should be able to add break for an officer.
- Updating Officer should not update status.
- Updating Activity should not allow change type or status change.
- Updating Visitor should not allow change in Status.
- When an officer or a visitor is activated, related activities which were deactivated should be turned back active again.
- There Is no Delete Functionality in any entity.
- Ability to filter activities based on type, status, officer, visitor, date range, and time range.
- User Should only be able to add activity if it falls between officer’s work start and end time.
- User Should not be able to add activity if it does not falls in officer’s work days.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd repository
- Install dependencies:
composer install
- Copy the example env file and make the required configuration changes in the .env file:
cp .env.example .env
- Generate a new application key:
php artisan key:generate
- Run the database migrations:
php artisan migrate
- Start the local development server:
php artisan serve
You can now access the server at http://localhost:8000
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!