Add jitpack dependency to root build.gradle
allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } } }
Add the dependency
dependencies { implementation 'com.github.UsePace:android-message-center:{latest-version}' }
Add The following permission to Manifest.xml file
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" tools:node="replace"/>
In case of Manifest Failure, Add this under Application Tag
For Debugging/Testing the library (to be able to run the library as an application) do the following:
Replace The
plugin fromcom.android.library
Uncomment the Manifest
todo: Uncomment for testing
Test and debug method inside
, Default Launcher for the app
For toolbar title override the following string to strings.xml - strings-ar.xml
<string name="message_center_toolbar_title">Title</string> <string name="message_center_channel_is_frozen">Frozen Channel Title</string>
For colors styling override to colors.xml
<color name="message_center_primary">{color}</color> <color name="message_center_primary_dark">{color}</color> <color name="message_center_primary_accent">{color}</color> <color name="message_center_chat_view_background">{color}</color> <color name="message_center_chat_view_welcome_background">{color}</color> <color name="message_center_chat_view_bubble_color">{color}</color>
First Step for integrating the app is to connect on the start of the application
MessageCenter.connect(Context context, ConnectionRequest connection, ConnectionInterface connectionInterface)
Connection Request Object Has the following items
- String app_id; //The Application ID (provided from back-end)
- String user_id; // User id (provided from back-end)
- String access_token; //Access Token for Security (provided from back-end)
- String client; //Message Center is a Client Base Service, The only Client for now is
- String fcm_token; //The FCM token for notification
- String apn_token; //for ios only
Connection Request Constructors
- public ConnectionRequest()
- public ConnectionRequest(String client, String fcm_token, String app_id, String user_id, String access_token)
Sample Code for connecting to Message Center
MessageCenter.connect(this, connectionRequest, new ConnectionInterface() { @Override public void onMessageCenterConnected() { } @Override public void onMessageCenterConnectionError(int error_code, MessageCenterException mce) { } });
Getting Total of Unread Messages
MessageCenter.getUnReadMessagesCount(Context context, String chat_id, UnReadMessagesInterface unread_message_interface)
if chat_id is not provided, the sdk will retrieve the total unread messages for all channels
if chat_id is provided, the sdk will retrieve the total unread messages for the provided channel
Sample code for retrieving the count
MessageCenter.getUnReadMessagesCount(Context: context, chat_id: "channel_sample", new UnReadMessagesInterface() { @Override public void onUnreadMessages(int count) { } @Override public void onErrorRetrievingMessages(MessageCenterException e) { } });
- Joining the chat by url(id) provided
- Sample code for joining a conversation
MessageCenter.openChatView(Activity: this, ConnectionRequest: optional_connection_request, chat_id: "sample_chat_id", theme: new Theme(toolbar: "title", toolbar_subtitle: "subtitle"), openChatViewInterface: OpenChatViewInterface, optionalSdkCallbacks : sdkCallbacks);
- Connection Request is optional, if you want to update your connection request values, else pass null
- if Theme object is not provided, the app will take the defaults
- Theme Object for android have (
) .. - Executing this interface will open the chatting window
- an error callback will be triggered in case of error
- a viewWillStart callback will be triggered before the launch of the chat activity
- onActivityResult will be triggered on the close of the Chat View with request_code: MessageCenter.OPEN_CHAT_VIEW_REQUEST_CODE, response_code: MessageCenter.OPEN_CHAT_VIEW_RESPONSE_CODE
- SdkCallBacks Are Optional(Null can be passed), SdkCallBacks will notify the App with any Event that happens with the sdk
- For event handling (GTM, Adjust, ...) There Must be a check in the app side for the app_name key
- When adding an event callback, use
for theapp_name
parameter - Available SdkCallbacks:
- void onCallButtonClicked(OnCallButtonClickedResult onCallButtonClickedResult); - void onEvent(String app_name, String event_key, Map<String, Object> Data); //Used For Any Event Loggers
- Closing the chat view from the app side
- Sample code for closing the chat view
MessageCenter.closeChatView(context: this);
- Executing this interface will close the chatting window in the sdk
Handles only the related to MessageCenter Notifications
Sample code for Handling MessageCenter Notification
MessageCenter.sdkHandleNotification(context: context,class: Class next, icon: R.mipmap.notifcation, title: "Message App", remotemessage: remoteMessage, new SdkHandleNotificaitonInterface() { @Override public void onMatched(String channel_url) { } } );
if app was opened from notification you will get 2 extra fields with the intent
- CHANNEL_URL : a string url of the channel a message sent to
- FROM_NOTIFICATION : a boolean field defining if message came from notification
checks payload if its related to MessageCenter Notifications
Sample code for Handling App MessageCenter Notification
MessageCenter.appHandleNotification(remotemessage: remoteMessage, interface: new AppHandleNoticiationInterface() { @Override public void onMatched(JSONObject data) { //JSON Object will moduled with next versions // to get the message call jsonObject.getString("message") // to get the channel url call jsonObject.getJSONObject("channel").getString("channel_url") // More information is provided with the JSON object, toString() to know more } @Override public void onUnMatched() { } });
returns true if Message Center is connected
Sample code for checking connection
Disconnects the chat services and stop receiving notifications for chat, best case to use if with user logout
Sample code for disconnecting
MessageCenter.disconnect(Context context, new DisconnectInterface() { @Override public void onMessageCenterDisconnected() { } });