A Simple and Lightweight WordPress Option Framework for Themes and Plugins. Built in Object Oriented Programming paradigm with high number of custom fields and tons of options. Allows you to bring custom admin, metabox, taxonomy and customize settings to all of your pages, posts and categories. It's highly modern and advanced framework.
- Demo
- Installation
- Quick Start
- Documentation
- Free vs Premium
- Whats news?
- Support
- Release Notes
- License
For usage and examples, have a look at 🚀 online demo
- Download the installable WordPress plugin zip.
- Upload and active plugin from
→Add New
- After activation, next step is to configure your settings. You can do it from here ⚙️ configurations
Open your current theme functions.php file and paste this code.
// Check core class for avoid errors
if( class_exists( 'CSF' ) ) {
// Set a unique slug-like ID
$prefix = 'my_framework';
// Create options
CSF::createOptions( $prefix, array(
'menu_title' => 'My Framework',
'menu_slug' => 'my-framework',
) );
// Create a section
CSF::createSection( $prefix, array(
'title' => 'Tab Title 1',
'fields' => array(
// A text field
'id' => 'opt-text',
'type' => 'text',
'title' => 'Simple Text',
) );
// Create a section
CSF::createSection( $prefix, array(
'title' => 'Tab Title 2',
'fields' => array(
// A textarea field
'id' => 'opt-textarea',
'type' => 'textarea',
'title' => 'Simple Textarea',
) );
How to get option value ?
$options = get_option( 'my_framework' ); // unique id of the framework
echo $options['opt-text']; // id of the field
echo $options['opt-textarea']; // id of the field
Read the documentation for details 📕 documentation
Features | Free Version | Premium Version |
Admin Option Framework | ✔️ | ✔️ |
Customize Option Framework | ❌ | ✔️ |
Metabox Option Framework | ❌ | ✔️ |
Taxonomy Option Framework | ❌ | ✔️ |
Shortcode Generate Framework | ❌ | ✔️ |
All Option Fields | ❌ | ✔️ |
Developer Packages | ❌ | ✔️ |
Unminfy Library | ❌ | ✔️ |
New Requests | ❌ | ✔️ |
Autoremove Advertisements | ❌ | ✔️ |
Life-time access/updates | ❌ | ✔️ |
🌟 Upgrade Premium Version |
- Added: Multiple instances support
- Added: New option fields
- Added: Filters/Actions for change to configs
- Added: Output css featue
- Added: Auto enqueue/load for google web fonts
- Improved: Load time performance
- Improved: Config array
- Improved: Javascripts
- Improved: PHP Functions/Classes
- Added: Framework header title change parameter
- Added: Detailed typography field
- Added: Ajax save options
- Added: Contextual helps option
- Added: Admin bar menu option
- Added: Search options feature
- Added: WPMU Network menu option
- Added: Sticky header
- Added: Save defaults
- Added: Database save data types ( for eg:
- Added: Multiple post type support
- Added: Database save data types ( for eg:
) - Added: Exclude post types option
- Added: Metabox display to specific page templates. ( for eg
) - Added: Metabox display to specific post formats. ( for eg
) - Added: Restore metabox option button
- Added: Multiple post type support
- Added: Database save data types ( for eg:
) - Added: Save defaults
- Added: Multiple taxonomy type support
- Added: Database save data types ( for eg:
- Added: Gutenberg support as simply
Accordion | Color | Icon | Select | Tabbed |
Background | Color Group | Image Select | Slider | Text |
Backup | Date | Link Color | Sortable | Textarea |
Border | Dimensions | Media | Sorter | Typography |
Button Set | Fieldset | Palette | Spacing | Upload |
Checkbox | Gallery | Radio | Spinner | WP Editor |
Code Editor | Group | Repeater | Switcher | Others |
We are provide support service for premium version users. You can join to support service for submit any question after purchasing. Free version users support is limited on github.
Check out the release notes
Codestar Framework have two different version. Free version has limited features and offers only admin option panel feature. Premium version offers all extensions and more of settings for the best experience and advanced features. You can bundle the framework ( both free and premium ) in the premium theme/plugin and sell them on your own website or in marketplaces like ThemeForest. This framework is licensed 100% GPL.