The SQLite Cousin to SQLizer - SQLizerLite is a PHP SQLite PDO class
SQLizerLite is nearly a clone of SQLizer with small changes that make it work with PHP's SQLite PDO library.
Choose a name and path to save your database file.
$db_file = '/path/to/database.db';
###Load SQLizerLite
Require SQLizerLite in your app and create an instance of the of it.
require_once 'path/to/sqlizerlite.php';
$sqlizer = new SQLizerLite($db_file);
###Create a Table
SQLite syntax is similar to MySQL but has some notable differences. For instance, here is how you create a table in SQLite using SQLizerLite
$sql['statement'] = "create table if not exists users (id integer primary key autoincrement not null,type text not null)";
###Insert a new user with prepared statements
You should always use prepared statements when variable data is to be used in a SQL query. This is the whole purpose of PDO.
$type = "officeworker";
$sql['statement'] = "insert into users (type) values (:type)";
$sql['values'] = [':type'=>$type];
$newid = $sqlizer->RunSQL($sql);
echo "\nUser Created with an id of " . $newid . "\n\n";
###Select the new user from the database using a prepared statement
$sql['statement'] = "select * from users where id = :id";
$sql['values'] = [':id'=>$newid];
$result = $sqlizer->RunSQL($sql);
// Output the new user's data from the database var_dump($result);
Because SQLizerLite is mostly SQLizer, please refer to the SQLizer Manual for additional details.