A lightweight, one line setup, network debugging library that provides a quick look on all executed network requests performed by your app. It grabs all requests - of course yours, requests from 3rd party libraries (such as AFNetworking or else), UIWebViews, and more
Very useful and handy for network related issues and bugs
Implemented in Swift 2.1 - bridged also for Objective-C
Feel free to contribute :)
Insert this line in your Podfile
pod 'netfox'
or if you want to do it manually just copy the "netfox" folder in your project (make sure that "Create groups" option is selected)
Then add the following line in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method of your AppDelegate
[[NFX sharedInstance] start];
Just simple as that!
Note: Please wrap the above line with
#if DEBUG . . . #endif
to prevent library’s execution on your production app.
You can add the DEBUG symbol with the -DDEBUG entry. Set it in the "Swift Compiler - Custom Flags" section -> "Other Swift Flags" line in project’s "Build Settings"
Just shake your device and check what's going right or wrong! Shake again and go back to your app! fact
By default the library registers for shake motion. If you want to open the logs with a different gesture, add the following line after the installation one
Then you can use
when you want to show the logs and
when you want to hide them.
- Search: You can easily search among requests via
- Request url: github.com, .gr, or whatever you want
- Request method: GET, POST, etc
- Response type: Like json, xml, html, image and more
- Sharing: You can share your log via email with backend devs or someone who can help.
- Simple log option includes only request/response headers and small request/response bodies (when applicable)
- Full log option includes request/response headers and request/response bodies (as attachments)
- More to come.. ;)
- Alamofire users check this
- Due to the large size of request/response bodies, the library provides disk storage for low memory overhead
All source code is licensed under MIT License. Which means you could do virtually anything with the code. I will appreciate it very much if you keep an attribution where appropriate.