- http://therahl.github.io
graphql-workshop Public
Forked from mattbishop/graphql-workshopGraphQL / Event Modeling workshop project
TypeScript UpdatedNov 17, 2020 -
architect Public
Forked from architect/architectThe simplest, most powerful way to build serverless applications
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 5, 2019 -
react-router Public
Forked from remix-run/react-routerDeclarative routing for React
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 9, 2018 -
mentor-map Public
Forked from firefox-addons/mentor-mapRepository to populate all volunteers webextensions mentors on map.
JavaScript Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedNov 1, 2017 -
habitica Public
Forked from HabitRPG/habiticaA habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game.
JavaScript Other UpdatedOct 31, 2017 -
cxs Public
Forked from cxs-css/cxsfast af css-in-js in 0.7kb
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 30, 2017 -
react-data-grid Public
Forked from adazzle/react-data-gridExcel-like grid component built with React, with editors, keyboard navigation, copy & paste, and the like http://adazzle.github.io/react-data-grid/
react-select Public
Forked from JedWatson/react-selectA Select control built with and for React JS
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 20, 2017 -
SmartMirror Public
Forked from jakkra/SmartMirrorMy next version MagicMirror for Raspberry Pi
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 7, 2017 -
bands_of_yore Public
Forked from chris-burgin/bands_of_yoreTweet bot inspired by D&D. Keeps you up to date on your favorite bands of lore.
JavaScript UpdatedOct 6, 2017 -
property_web_builder Public
Forked from etewiah/property_web_builderThe ultimate Ruby on Rails engine for creating real estate websites
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMay 9, 2017 -
react-table Public
Forked from TanStack/tableReact Table - A lightweight, fast and extendable datagrid for React
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 26, 2017 -
js-workshop Public
async and functional programming workshop with Kyle Simpson
node-express-sequelize-es2015 Public
Forked from ArnaudValensi/node-express-sequelize-es2015A boilerplate using NodeJs, Express, Sequelize, Apidoc, Eslint, Mocha, Cluster, and Postgres and the best practices.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 5, 2016 -
react-redux-starter-kit Public
Forked from dvdzkwsk/react-redux-starter-kitGet started with React, Redux, and React-Router!
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 2, 2016 -
normalize.css Public
Forked from necolas/normalize.cssA collection of HTML element and attribute style-normalizations
HTML MIT License UpdatedSep 27, 2016 -
vex Public
Forked from HubSpot/vexA modern dialog library which is highly configurable and easy to style. #hubspot-open-source
CSS MIT License UpdatedSep 19, 2016 -
jquery-modal Public
Forked from kylefox/jquery-modalThe simplest possible modal for jQuery
JavaScript Other UpdatedSep 11, 2016 -
twentytwenty Public
Forked from zurb/twentytwentyjQuery Plugin to Compare Images
JavaScript UpdatedAug 2, 2016 -
atom-react-es6-snippets Public
Forked from rafaelchiti/atom-react-es6-snippetsReact ES6 snippets for atom
CoffeeScript MIT License UpdatedMay 25, 2016 -
sidr Public
Forked from artberri/sidrSidr is a jQuery plugin for creating side menus and the easiest way for doing your menu responsive.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 17, 2016 -
newedenfaces-react Public
Forked from sahat/newedenfaces-reactCharacter voting app for EVE Online
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 22, 2015 -