Potr Pots Landing Page is a web project designed to showcase a modern and user-friendly landing page. The landing page is designed to offer an immersive experience, featuring a modern design, responsive layout, and an interactive image slider.
- HTML5: Provides the structure and semantic markup for the web page.
- SCSS: A preprocessor scripting language for CSS, offering features like variables and nesting for improved code organization.
- JavaScript: Powers the interactive image slider, adding dynamic behavior to the page.
- BEM: A methodology for naming and organizing CSS classes in a clear and maintainable way.
For a preview of the project click here.
- Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/thesidorenko/potr-pots_landing.git
- Navigate into the project directory
cd potr-pots_landing
- Install Dependencies
npm install
- Compile SCSS to CSS
sass styles/main.scss styles/main.css
- Open in Browser.