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VStats 0.0.1

A (very) basic Linear Algebra, Statistics, and Machine Learning library written from scratch and without dependencies

Modules implemented

The following is the list of functions implemented so far

Linear Algebra (linalg)


  • add(v []f64, w []f64) []f64: Adds two vectors a and b: (a + b)
  • subtract(v []f64, w []f64) []f64: Subtracts two vectors a and b: (a - b)
  • vector_sum(vector_list [][]f64) []f64: Sums a list of vectors, example: vector_sum([[f64(1),2],[3,4]]) => [4.0, 6.0]
  • scalar_multiply(c f64, v []f64) []f64: Multiplies an scalar value c to each element of a vector v
  • vector_mean(vector_list [][]f64) []f64: Calculates 1/n sum_j (v[j])
  • dot(v []f64, w []f64) f64: Dot product of v and w
  • sum_of_squares(v []f64) f64: Squares each term of a vector, example: [1,2,3]^2 = [1^2, 2^2, 3^2]
  • magnitude(v []f64) f64: Module of a vector, example: || [3,4] || = 5
  • squared_distance(v []f64, w []f64) f64: Calculates sqrt[(v1-w1)^2 + (v2-w2)^2...]
  • distance(v []f64, w []f64) f64: Calculates the distance between v and w


  • shape(a [][]f64) (int, int): Returns the shape of a matrix (rows, columns)
  • get_row(a [][]f64, i int) []f64: Gets the i-th row of a matrix as a vector
  • get_column(a [][]f64, j int) []f64: Gets the j-th column of a matrix as a vector
  • make_matrix(num_rows int, num_cols int, op fn (int, int) f64) [][]f64: Makes a matrix using a formula given by function op
  • identity_matrix(n int) [][]f64: Returns a n-identity matrix
  • matmul(a [][]f64, b [][]f64) [][]f64: Multuplies matrix a with b


Distributions (CDF and PDF)

  • beta_function(x f64, y f64) f64
  • normal_cdf(x f64, mu f64, sigma f64) f64
  • inverse_normal_cdf(p f64, mu f64, sigma f64, dp DistribParams) f64
  • bernoulli_pdf(x f64, p f64) f64
  • bernoulli_cdf(x f64, p f64) f64
  • binomial_pdf(k int, n int, p f64) f64
  • poisson_pdf(k int, lambda f64) f64
  • poisson_cdf(k int, lambda f64) f64
  • exponential_pdf(x f64, lambda f64) f64
  • exponential_cdf(x f64, lambda f64) f64
  • gamma_pdf(x f64, k f64, theta f64) f64
  • chi_squared_pdf(x f64, df int) f64
  • students_t_pdf(x f64, df int) f64
  • f_distribution_pdf(x f64, d1 int, d2 int) f64
  • beta_pdf(x f64, alpha f64, beta f64) f64
  • uniform_pdf(x f64, a f64, b f64) f64
  • uniform_cdf(x f64, a f64, b f64) f64
  • negative_binomial_pdf(k int, r int, p f64) f64
  • negative_binomial_cdf(k int, r int, p f64) f64
  • multinomial_pdf(x []int, p []f64) f64
  • expectation(x []f64, p []f64) f64


  • sum(x []f64) f64
  • mean(x []f64) f64
  • median(x []f64) f64
  • quantile(x []f64, p f64) f64
  • mode(x []f64) []f64
  • data_range(x []f64) f64
  • dev_mean(x []f64) []f64
  • variance(x []f64) f64
  • standard_deviation(x []f64) f64
  • interquartile_range(x []f64) f64
  • covariance(x []f64, y []f64) f64
  • correlation(x []f64, y []f64) f64


  • difference_quotient(f fn (f64) f64, x f64, h f64) f64
  • partial_difference_quotient(f fn([]f64) f64, v []f64, i int, h f64) f64
  • gradient(f fn([]f64) f64, v []f64, h f64) []f64
  • gradient_step(v []f64, gradient_vector []f64, step_size f64) []f64
  • sum_of_squares_gradient(v []f64) []f64


  • This was written as an exercise to get V closer to Data Analytics and Machine Learning tasks
  • Heavily inspired by the book from Joel Grus "Data Science from Scratch: First principles with Python"
  • It is not optimized in any way (at least for now)
  • Documentation es an ongoing effort


  • Add more optimization algorithms
  • Complete Hypothesis testing module
  • Complete Machine Learning module
  • Complete Neural Network module
  • Symbolic calculation

Pull requests are welcome!


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  • V 98.7%
  • AMPL 1.3%