A compiled list of known opensource resources, sources. boilerplates, and more.
To use it, simply go to the project GitPage URL
The WebApp parses the Markdown specific structure into a JSON object that is used by the Vue app script to create a static page capable of search
In order to make it readable to everyone, human and computer alike, a simple bullet list makes more sense. And since basically everyone can compile a simple to do list on a daily basis, contributing to a text file is trivial.
Considered that too, but it requires somewhat of a learning curve.
Fork the repository and edit the markdown bullet list adding your suggestion (following the current file structure), then submit a pull request for review.
As of now, a link resource is described as the first level on a bullet list and any following children are considered a property of said resource, e.g.:
- CoolOpenSourceResource
- Link: Describes the link
- Description: Short description of the resource
- Img: A link to a favicon or image, for ilustration purposes
- License: The Item License
- LongDescription: A long description of the item
- Tags: Relevant Search Tags
- Type: The type of the resource
- Area: The area of the resource
- Why: Why should one be interested in using it or for what would you use it for
- CoolOpenSourceResource
- Link:
- Description:
- Img:
- License:
- LongDescription:
- Tags:
- Type:
- Area:
- Why:
Part of finding great resources on the web relies on smart search of terms and hotwords that sometimes are unique to the niche or areas, we are bulding said vocabulary here: see glossary.md
- Adding Categories in Markdown as Headers
- Layout Improvement
- Error Handling
- Site Screenshot
- Side panel with more info regarding the selected link/tool
- Automatic site icon fetch
- Case Insensitivity