- Pittsburgh
- tianshu.io
Radar chirp data collection & preprocessing platform based on the TI AWR1843/DCA1000EVM
[CVPR 2024] DART: Implicit Doppler Tomography for Radar Novel View Synthesis
Artifact for "Unveiling Heisenbugs with Diversified Execution"
A runtime-neutral repo of third-party apps ported to WebAssembly.
[ICLR 2022] "Optimizer Amalgamation" by Tianshu Huang, Tianlong Chen, Sijia Liu, Shiyu Chang, Lisa Amini, Zhangyang Wang
C Transpiler --- for submitting multi-file C projects as one file
Learning to Optimize meta-learning framework for tensorflow 2.
Prettify Python exception output to make it legible.
COVID-19 Coronavirus data scraped from government and curated data sources.
A WebGL renderer for Tiled (http://www.mapeditor.org/) maps. Demo: https://englercj.github.io/gl-tiled/_demo/basic/
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
Implementation of Markov Chain Monte Carlo Bayesian Clustering techniques, including DPM and MFM, with an abstract Mixture Model and Component Model API.
Fully featured LC3b assembler and simulator test engine written in Python
Overload Python's print function for fun and profit!
A sublime utility shell inspired by emacs' [ctrl+x, ctrl+f] behavior
Adds the command ctrl+x, ctrl+f to sublime text 3, which behaves like it does in emacs.
Sublime Text 3 plugin to create clean 'divider' comments
Fast Random Kernelized Features: Support Vector Machine Classification for High-Dimensional IDC Dataset
RB_GEN is a simple package for generating random binning features for solving large-scale kernel classification, regression, and clustering.
Blame someone else for your bad code.
A comprehensive script designed to judge the course schedule of an ECE student at the University of Texas at Austin, based on anecdotal evidence from current and former students.
crowdsourced class rankings @ ut austin ⚖
benbelov / Rasware
Forked from theotherjimmy/Rasware2013A generic robotics controller for the EK-LM4F120XL Stellaris Launchpad.