Eolic is an event-driven library for Python that supports event emission, remote target handling, and listener registration with a simple and intuitive API.
The main purpose be an effective way to trigger hooks based on events and allow communication to another systems based on most common protocols.
Read more about the usage with our Documentation and Examples
To install Eolic, clone this repository and run:
pip install eolic
from enum import Enum
from eolic import Eolic
# Defining all events on a enum (not required but it's a good practice)
class GameEvents(Enum):
# Instancing Eolic class defining a webhook as remote_target for "ON_MONSTER_DEFEATED" event
handler = Eolic(remote_targets=[
"type": "url",
"address": "https://mysite.site/api/game/hooks",
"headers": {"X-Game-Event":"RPGSecretKey"},
"events": [GameEvents.ON_MONSTER_DEFEATED]
# Defining hooks that will be executed locally
def handle_player_join(player_name):
print(f"{player_name} has joined the game!")
def handle_player_attack(player_name, monster_name, damage):
print(f"{player_name} attacked {monster_name} for {damage} damage!")
def handle_monster_defeated(player_name, monster_name):
print(f"{player_name} has defeated {monster_name}!")
def handle_game_over():
print("Game Over! Thanks for playing.")
# Emitting player join event
handler.emit(GameEvents.ON_PLAYER_JOIN, "Archer")
# Emitting player attack event
handler.emit(GameEvents.ON_PLAYER_ATTACK, "Archer", "Goblin", 30)
# Emitting monster defeated event
handler.emit(GameEvents.ON_MONSTER_DEFEATED, "Archer", "Goblin")
# Emitting game over event
- Implement integration for celery backend (RabbitMQ, Redis)
- Implement Direct RabbitMQ
- Allow Emit Async and Sync options