Bing wallpaper of the day
To compile and install this project, you must ensure that Rust and adequate toolchain are being correctly installed.
#> cargo build --release
#> strip ./target/release/bingwallpaper
#> cp ./target/release/bingwallpaper /opt/bingwallpaper
#> chmod a+x /opt/bingwallpaper
#> ln -s /opt/bingwallpaper /usr/local/bin/bingwallpaper
#> bingwallpaper --help
Bing wallpaper application arguments
Usage: bingwallpaper [OPTIONS]
-l, --loop
Keep application running. Looking for new wallpaper every hours
-c, --config <CONFIG_FILE>
Use a custom configuration
-i, --init-config-file <INIT_CONFIG_FILE>
Initialize a new configuration file
-o, --download-only
Download wallpaper, but dont try to change it automatically
-v, --version
Display application version
-h, --help
Print help
First of all, you need to generate the configuration file. To do this, simply run the following command:
Linux or MacOS
#> bingwallpaper --init-config-file ~/.bingwallpaper.conf
#> bingwallpaper --init-config-file C:/Users/<USERNAME>/.bingwallpaper.conf
The application will try to detect the right settings for your operating system and screen resolution. It is still advisable to check that the information is correct before continuing.
Once the configuration file has been checked. Run the following command to change the background.
#> bingwallpaper [--loop] [--config <alternative cfg file>]
The "width" dimension of the wallpaperimage_dimension_height
The "height" dimension of the wallpapertarget_filename
The location where is stored the wallpaperproxy_url
(OPTIONAL) The proxy URL (ie:
Note: You can use "#" to comment a line
Before attempting to automate the process (see below), it is advisable to run it manually at least once to check that everything is working correctly.
On Linux, there are several possibilities. As I can't list them all, you'll have to choose the one that seems best suited to you (crontab, gnome start at launch, etc.).
#> crontab -e
0 * * * * /usr/local/bin/bingwallpaper >> /tmp/bingwallpaper.log 2>&1
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
This project is released under terms of the MIT license.
Logo is from Flaticon with free usage for personal and commercial purpose. Gallery icons created by logisstudio - Flaticon