Automated NuGet Dependency Updater
- It will scan your repositories in your Git Provider (Currently supporting Azure DevOps and GitHub)
- It will clone each repository to the local machine
- It will build a Project tree, and detect all TargetFramework + PackageReference elements within your csproj files
- It will attempt to update the TargetFramework (if you are below the latest known version by this tool) and then build your project, rolling back if it breaks compilation
- (Optional by configuration) It will attempt to delete ProjectReferences to de-clutter csproj files where they're redundant (because they're unused or pulled in from other projects), rolling back if it breaks compilation
- (Optional by configuration) It will attempt to delete PackageReferences to de-clutter csproj files where they're redundant (because they're unused or pulled in from other projects/packages), rolling back if it breaks compilation or detects an overall downgrade to that package throughout the project tree
- It will attempt to upgrade PackageReferences with the latest stable version from NuGet, rolling back if it breaks compilation
- It will raise issues (Currently only on GitHub) for any packages that it couldn't update automatically
- It will raise a Pull Request with the successful updates
- It will delete the cloned repository from the local machine
- .NET 7 required
- Your machine will need Git installed
- Your machine will need the .NET SDK (not just runtime) installed to build projects
Install via NuGet
- TomLonghurst.Nupendencies
- TomLonghurst.Nupendencies.GitProviders.AzureDevOps
- TomLonghurst.Nupendencies.GitProviders.GitHub
See the code below for an example on how to use it.
var host = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder()
.ConfigureAppConfiguration(cfg =>
.ConfigureServices((context, services) =>
.AddLogging(loggingBuilder =>
loggingBuilder.AddSimpleConsole(console =>
console.TimestampFormat = "[HH:mm:ss] ";
.AddNupendencies(new NupendenciesOptions
CommitterEmail = "[email protected]",
CommitterName = "Tom Longhurst",
TryRemoveUnusedPackages = true, // Remove redundant PackageReference tags - Redundant if code is unused or they're pulled in transitively from other projects
TryRemoveUnusedProjects = true // Remove redundant ProjectReference tags - Redundant if code is unused or they're pulled in transitively from other projects
.AddGitHubProvider(new GitHubOptions
GitHubSpace = GitHubSpace.Team("organization-name", "github-team-name") // or GitHubSpace.User() for your regular GitHub user's repositories
AuthenticationPatToken = "my-pat",
AuthenticationUsername = "my-github-username"
.AddAzureDevOpsProvider(new AzureDevOpsOptions
Organization = "organization-name",
ProjectName = "azure-devops-project-name",
AuthenticationPatToken = "my-pat",
AuthenticationUsername = "[email protected]",
WorkItemIdsToAttachToPullRequests = new[] {
"12345" // User Story to automatically attach to created PRs
await host.Services.GetRequiredService<INupendencyUpdater>().Start();
Nupendencies supports private NuGet feeds, allowing you to still check for updates for private packages. The NupendenciesOptions object can take an array of Private NuGet Feed options, where you provide a URL, a source nickname (as you would in your NuGet config file), your authentication username, your authentication PAT
var nupendenciesOptions = new NupendenciesOptions()
// ...
PrivateNugetFeedOptions =
new PrivateNugetFeedOptions()
Username = "[email protected]",
PatToken = "mypat",
SourceName = "MyPrivateFeed",
SourceUrl = ""
// ...
Since this builds projects over and over to check packages don't break compilation, it can be slow to run, especially if you have a very large project with many package references / nested projects. You may want to run this on a fast machine to decrease project build times
TryRemoveUnusedPackages and TryRemoveUnusedProjects options will slow down things drastically. They're good for cleaning up projects that have been changed a lot over a long time, as this can lead to lots of references being added and changed, and people not realising when to remove unused entries. If you want to clean up these, then be prepared for quite a lengthy job. If you run this tool regularly, I'd recommend just using these once in a blue moon, and for your regular runs, leaving them disabled to speed things up.