This is the source for an Eclipse plugin that supports editing attributed context-free grammars and automatically generates parsers. It uses the parser/scanner generator Coco/R, which accepts LL(k) grammars, to generate code in Java.
The plugin can be installed in Eclipse from the update site as per the description on the support page.
I have yet to try to build this Eclipse plug-in using Eclipse PDE. The binary version from the update site works fine, except for one issue (if your grammar is in a subdirectory, "src" e.g., the plugin assumes that the package where your parser and scanner fits starts with "src." which is an easy edit but irritating since the source is re-generated on every save of the grammar...)
Coco/R is a compiler generator created by Hanspeter Mössenböck and Markus Löberbauer at University of Linz around 1990. You can read more about it here.
The source code for the Coco/R proper, with various language implementations, is available at GitHub.
As the Eclipse ecosystem supports building various tools, some of which might need a scanner/parser, an Eclipse plugin was created in 2008 by Markus Löberbauer and Christian Wressnegger. It is hosted on SourceForge.
As a request to move that source to GitHub has gone unheeded for a while, I decided to transfer it.
It is published here using the same license as the original (GPL v2), and I take no credit for its creation, nor any blame for it ;-)
I might do some fixes if I need to, you may post issues if you want, but expect no response.
If you can convince the SSW-gang to move it into their project, or even give it some love, I would be very happy.