A music player specifically designed for (Swedish) dance classes. It supports
- easy selection of genre(s), bpm and bpm-range
- loading of all tunes in a specified directory tree
- easy switching between play modes
- in order
- random circulating (one tunes in one BPM range, then one in another)
This is an evolving project, but can now load tunes from a selected directory, do fairly advanced filtering and play tunes. It also automatically fades in and out for smooth listening.
- Tunes from your last visited directory are cached and will be autoloaded on start up.
- Optionally press "Filtering" to select another directory to load tunes from, recursively. This will scan all music files in the tree to get images, genres, bpm etc.
- Your files should be properly tagged with title, artist, album, album art, bpm and genre for
to shine. NOTE: some audiofiles have wonky tagging, use Mp3Tag or some similar to fix it. - Press the genre button(s) and/ adjust bpm and bpm range for filtering
- Select how much of a tune to play (all or some part), will automatically advance to next tune.
- Optionally press shuffle to semi-randomly select tunes (will divide current list in sections based on tempo and circulate between them, effectively creating a good mix).
- Press Play!
,right arrow
- next tunep
,left arrow
- previous tunespace
- toggle play/pausef
,page up
- faster tempos
,page down
- slower tempo
You can also hook up a remote control to access those functions.
See Releases.
To use it you need Node with Electron and Vue. Start it with 'npm run electron:serve'.
To debug it in Visual Studio Code the launch configurations should work, try "Electron: All"