Guide to flash Tasmota firmware into WT32-ETH01
- OS: macOS. For Windows please refer This.
- ESP32 Ethernet board: WT32-ETH01 v1.2.
- USB to UART Converter board.
- Tasmota firmware version: 9.5.0.
- ESP Tools.
- Yellow: TX0, transmit data pin.
- White: RX0, receiving data pin.
- Green: connect to GND pinf of "USB to UART converter" board.
- Red Jumper: IO0 + GND, short these two pins to make WT32-ETH01 enter programming mode.
- Red: connect to external 5V (positive) power supply.
- Back: connect to external GND power supply.
- 5V connection to external power supply.
- Uart and jumper connection
Follow the hardware connections described above and connect the jumper.
Power up the board, and the red LED on the board should light up.
Download and copy the files from here to your local folder.
Goto the folder you copied, and run the following command, you need to change "/dev/cu.usbserial-1431310" to your own port number. --chip esp32 --port /dev/cu.usbserial-1431310 --baud 115200 --before default_reset --after hard_reset write_flash -z --flash_mode dout --flash_freq 40m --flash_size detect 0x1000 bootloader_dout_40m.bin 0x8000 partitions.bin 0xe000 boot_app0.bin 0x10000 tasmota32.bin
After loaded the Tasmota firmware, if successful, you should see the message similar to the following.
Remove the jumper, then power off and power on to the WT32-ETH01 board. Follow this guide and access to the Web UI
In the Web UI, go to [Configuration]->[Configuration Module] and select the module type "WT32-Eth01" as shown below, then click save button and wait for auto restart.
- After restarted, on the main page of the Web UI, click [Information] button, if your Ethernet/LAN cable is connected, you should see the following. If the Ethernet/LAN cable is connected but not the Ethernet information is not displayed, please refesh your Web UI.
- The Ethernet indicator should light up.