This is a term project of the course Analysis of Algorithms.
Author: Shuchen li, Wenhao Tang, Chang Wang
The details can be found in the report.pdf
- Ullman
- VF2
- GraphQL
- A improved version of GraphQL
- QuickSI
- QuickSI with equivalent vertices reduced
small: on average, each graph has 25.4 vertices and 27.3 edges; the size of the largest graph is less than 300 vertices.
sparse: the number of edges is almost the same as the number of vertices;
label: most of the labels are C, O, H, N, S;
We choose 100 communities whose size are about 500 vertices as the database.
Each graph has 1368 edges on average.
Since there are no labels initially, we random generate labels for vertices from a Guassian distribution
$N(15,5)$ truncated in$[0,30]$ . meta info:
sum: 103416
aver: 1034
max: 1389
min: 775
edge aver: 2986
--- meta info:
sum: 51016
aver: 510
max: 592
min: 433
edge aver: 1368
--- meta info:
sum: 20335
aver: 203
max: 222
min: 180
edge aver: 489
--- meta info:
sum: 10321
aver: 103
max: 117
min: 89
edge aver: 249
Replace the #include "GraphQL/GraphQL.cpp"
in test.cpp
with your code file.
You need to provide a bool solve(Graph P, Graph G)
function which does the subgraph isomorphism test in your code file.
Compile: g++ test.cpp GraphDS.cpp -std=c++11 -Wall -o test
(Boost Lib is required for VF2.)
Run ./test
to test.
Notice: Make sure your code use the Graph
structure defined in GraphDS.h
and GraphDS.cpp
Random draw 100 graphs and find a random subgraph of each graph to form a query set. Do subgraph isomorphism test with every pair of the set of 100 graphs and the query set, totally 10000 times.
Results on GraphQL:
average time of queryset 4: 0.000200
total match 4302 / 10000
average time of queryset 8: 0.000350
total match 977 / 10000
average time of queryset 12: 0.000507
total match 222 / 10000
average time of queryset 16: 0.000686
total match 115 / 10000
average time of queryset 20: 0.000856
total match 97 / 10000
average time of queryset 24: 0.001040
total match 65 / 10000
dblp 500:
average time of queryset 4: 0.000777
total match 3989 / 10000
average time of queryset 8: 0.001373
total match 476 / 10000
average time of queryset 12: 0.002087
total match 204 / 10000
average time of queryset 16: 0.003107
total match 141 / 10000
average time of queryset 20: 0.003440
total match 119 / 10000
average time of queryset 24: 0.003865
total match 105 / 10000