Here are some commonly used web-frontend components.
In /library directory, there are some pure javascript libs.
In /jqueryplugin directory, there are some plugins based on jquery.
About "underscore", it is a library provided some functional-style methods,
some operations on set would be simplified by using it.
About "/bootstrap" "/bootstrap-datetimepicker" "/jquerymobile" "/webuploader",
only a few libs depend on them, I write xxx-wrapper to encapsulate them.
such as modalwrapper encapsulated bootstrap modaldialog,
datepickerwrapper capsulated datetimepicker.
Why do I create these wrappers, you can see chinese blog:
Dealing with each lib, I put all its utilities in one folder.
Most of libs, I create test-xxx.html to show the use-case of them separately.
As you see, there would be so many jqueryplugins in real world project.
So I create a library to manage them: pluginmanager
Therefore I can write plugins in an uniform way.
For more details, you can see testpluginmanager.html in its own folder,
or chinese blogs:
other related blog about the art of design are as follow: