- Displays the status of a Lync contact, based on its email address
- Is there is idle time information, display it as well
- Handle exceptions and pre-requisites
*** FAQ ***
Problem: application says that there are no results
Solution: double check the input email address. It is possible that there are different values for 'Email Address' and 'IM Address' fields
Problem: Getting erroneous/innacurate values
Solution: cleanup the outlook cache and the lync cache
Cleaning up outlook cache: Go to Outlook Options > Email > Click "Empty Auto-Complete List". Also, you may want/need to delete all contacts from the Suggested Contacts group
Clearing up the lync cache: Delete your 'sip' folder from %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync
Problem: Application hangs
Solution: Stop trying to get the elapsed time (GetElapsedIdleTime)