svg-music-logos Public
🎧 A collection of logos and symbols from bands, musicians and related in SVG
sign-of-the-horns-single-div Public
Sign of the horns - Single div 🤘
svg-to-inline Public
Web Component to fetch an external SVG file and use it inline.
gerador-validador-cpf Public
Biblioteca JS open-source para gerar e validar CPF.
accessibility-buttons Public
Buttons to add/remove contrast and increase/decrease font size.
tiagoporto.com Public
Personal website
limit-lines Public
Lint and report number of lines by file.
responsive-image-gallery Public
Responsive Image Gallery
setting-up-sublime-text Public archive
Settings, snippets, themes, packages and more.
mobile-meetup-challenge Public
📱 Ionic App - Mobile Meetup Challenge
redirect-to-app-stores Public
Javascript code to redirect to app store
react-multi-select Public
React multi select component
json-map-keys Public
Webpack loader to replace json values with the key path
generator-swill-boilerplate Public archive
🍺 The front-end Boilerplate that you need to start easily customizable multi-device development.
logo-downloadtip Public
Web component to allow users download multiple logotype image types when they trying to grab low resolution logo.
typerules Public
A typography toolkit that sets vertical rhythm and provides type functions.
vue-todo Public
To-do SPA (Vue.js) 📅
jquery-svg-to-inline Public
A jQuery plugin to replace <image> and <object> embed SVG inline.
jquery-logo-downloadtip Public archive
Forked from jarnesjo/jquery-logo-downloadtipSimple plugin to allow users to download multiple logotype image types.