BlackObfuscator-ASPlugin Public
Forked from CodingGay/BlackObfuscator-ASPluginThis project is an Android Studio plugin version of BlackObfuscator, it supports obfuscating code automatically. More information about this project are in BlackObfuscator.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedDec 7, 2023 -
XmlClassGuard Public
Forked from liujingxing/XmlClassGuard一个可混淆4大组件,自定义View等任意类的插件,上架Google Play的利器
Kotlin UpdatedOct 21, 2023 -
X-MVVMFly Public
基于 MVVM 模式集成 Jetpack 组件库:LiveData、ViewModel、Lifecycles、DataBinding、Navigation;整合 Okhttp + RxJava + Retrofit + Glide 等主流模块,满足日常开发需求
X-RxErrorHandler Public
Forked from JessYanCoding/RxErrorHandler🗑 Error Handle Of RxJava3
Kotlin Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 26, 2023 -
LoadSir Public
Forked from KingJA/LoadSirA lightweight, good expandability Android library used for displaying different pages like loading, error, empty, timeout or even your custom page when you load a page.(优雅地处理加载中,重试,无数据等)
Java UpdatedSep 26, 2023 -
Jetpack-Fly Public
一个集成 JetPack 组件库:LiveData、ViewModel、Lifecycles、DataBinding、Navigation 的快速开发框架;提供支持 Navigation 上 Fragment 的 Add、Hide 切换,通过 setMaxLifecycle 适配 Fragment 的真实可见性以及 Fragment 对于 Back键 的监听事件处理。
X-GifImageView Public
Forked from felipecsl/GifImageViewAndroid ImageView that handles animated GIF images
fragmentation-androidx Public
Forked from YoKeyword/Fragmentationforked from YoKeyword/Fragmentation and use androidx
Kotlin Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 13, 2020 -
NewbieGuide Public
Forked from huburt-Hu/NewbieGuideAndroid 快速实现新手引导层的库,通过简洁链式调用,一行代码实现引导层的显示
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 26, 2020 -
X-MVPFly Public
[停止维护] Android快速开发框架(模块化、MVP动态代理、单Activity + 多Fragment)
X-DrawableToolbox Public
Forked from duanhong169/DrawableToolbox🛠️ The missing drawable toolbox for Android. Create drawables programmatically and get rid of the boring and always repeated drawable.xml files.
Kotlin Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 11, 2019 -
X-MagicaSakura Public
Forked from bilibili/MagicaSakuraMagicaSakura 是 Android 多主题框架。~ is an Android multi theme library which supporting both daily colorful theme and night theme.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 11, 2019 -
X-PagerLayoutmanager Public
Forked from GcsSloop/pager-layoutmanagerAndroid 网格分页布局。