Elucidating the Design Space of Diffusion-Based Generative Models (EDM)
The AI developer platform. Use Weights & Biases to train and fine-tune models, and manage models from experimentation to production.
Open Academic Research on Improving LLaMA to SOTA LLM
RWKV is an RNN with transformer-level LLM performance. It can be directly trained like a GPT (parallelizable). So it's combining the best of RNN and transformer - great performance, fast inference,…
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
A Python toolkit/library for reality-centric machine/deep learning and data mining on partially-observed time series, including SOTA neural network models for scientific analysis tasks of imputatio…
程序员延寿指南 | A programmer's guide to live longer
Anomaly detection related books, papers, videos, and toolboxes
Making decision trees competitive with neural networks on CIFAR10, CIFAR100, TinyImagenet200, Imagenet
Tigramite is a python package for causal inference with a focus on time series data. The Tigramite documentation is at
Python implementation of GLN in different frameworks
PyTorch implementation of TabNet paper :
A comprehensive list of pytorch related content on github,such as different models,implementations,helper libraries,tutorials etc.
A modular framework for vision & language multimodal research from Facebook AI Research (FAIR)
Using Machine Learning to solve linear programming problems, compared to CPLEX
Implementation of Transformer model (originally from Attention is All You Need) applied to Time Series.
雪之梦技术驿站,snowdreams1006搭建的 Gitbook 个人博客
Welcome to Glacier Data Project. A post-wuhan2020 project for data science
2019新型冠状病毒疫情时间序列数据仓库 | COVID-19/2019-nCoV Infection Time Series Data Warehouse
The standard data-centric AI package for data quality and machine learning with messy, real-world data and labels.
DELTA is a deep learning based natural language and speech processing platform. LF AI & DATA Projects:
Tensorflow Operation Wrapper of cppjieba (Chinese Word Segamentation)
Pre-Training with Whole Word Masking for Chinese BERT(中文BERT-wwm系列模型)
text detection mainly based on ctpn model in tensorflow, id card detect, connectionist text proposal network