is an R package that helps implement Retrieval-Augmented
Generation (RAG) workflows. It focuses on providing a complete solution
with sensible defaults, while still giving the knowledgeable user
precise control over each steps. We don’t believe that you can fully
automate the creation of a good RAG system, so it’s important that
is not a black box. ragnar
is designed to be transparent—you
can inspect easily outputs at intermediate steps to understand what’s
works with a wide variety of document types, using
MarkItDown to convert content
to Markdown.
Key functions:
: Find all links in a webpageragnar_read()
: Convert a file or URL to markdown
Next we divide each document into multiple chunks. Ragnar defaults to a strategy that preserves some of the semantics of the document, but provide plenty of options to tweak the approach.
Key functions:
: Higher-level function that both identifies semantic boundaries and chunks text.ragnar_segment()
: Lower-level function that identifies semantic boundaries.ragnar_chunk_segments()
: Lower-level function that chunks pre-segmented text.
RAG applications benefit from augmenting text chunks with additional
context, such as document headings and subheadings. While ragnar
doesn’t directly export functions for this, it supports template-based
augmentation through ragnar_read(frame_by_tags, split_by_tags)
. Future
versions will support generating context summaries via LLM calls.
Key functions:
: Useframe_by_tags
arguments to associate text chunks with their document position.markdown_segment()
: Segment markdown text into a character vector using semantic tags (e.g., headings, paragraphs, or code chunks).markdown_frame()
: Convert markdown text into a dataframe.
can help compute embeddings for each chunk. The goal is for
to provide access to embeddings from popular LLM providers.
Currently only ollama
and openai
Key functions:
Note that calling the embedding function directly is typically not
necessary. Instead, the embedding function is specified when a store is
first created, and then automatically called when needed by
and ragnar_store_insert()
Processed data is stored in a format optimized for efficient searching,
using duckdb
by default. The API is designed to be extensible,
allowing additional packages to implement support for different storage
Key functions:
Given a prompt, retrieve related chunks based on embedding distance or bm25 text search.
Key functions:
: Retrieve usingvss
DuckDB extensionragnar_retrieve_bm25()
: Retrieve usingfull-text search DuckDB extension
Re-ranking of retrieved chunks is planned for future releases.
can equip an ellmer::Chat
object with a retrieve tool that
enables an LLM to retreive content from a store on-demand.
ragnar_register_tool_retrieve(chat, store)
Here’s an example of using ragnar
to create a knowledge store from the
R for Data Science (2e) book:
base_url <- "https://r4ds.hadley.nz"
pages <- ragnar_find_links(base_url)
store_location <- "r4ds.ragnar.duckdb"
store <- ragnar_store_create(
embed = \(x) ragnar::embed_ollama(x, model = "all-minilm")
for (page in pages) {
message("ingesting: ", page)
chunks <- page |>
ragnar_read(frame_by_tags = c("h1", "h2", "h3")) |>
dplyr::mutate(link = page) |>
ragnar_chunk(boundaries = c("paragraph", "sentence")) |>
# add context to chunks
dplyr::mutate(text = glue::glue(r"---(
# Excerpt from the book "R for Data Science (2e)"
link: {link}
chapter: {h1}
section: {h2}
subsection: {h3}
content: {text}
ragnar_store_insert(store, chunks)
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/arrow.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/base-R.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/communicate.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/communication.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/data-import.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/data-tidy.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/data-transform.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/data-visualize.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/databases.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/datetimes.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/EDA.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/factors.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/functions.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/import.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/intro.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/iteration.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/joins.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/layers.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/logicals.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/missing-values.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/numbers.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/preface-2e.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/program.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/quarto-formats.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/quarto.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/rectangling.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/regexps.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/spreadsheets.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/strings.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/transform.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/visualize.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/webscraping.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/whole-game.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/workflow-basics.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/workflow-help.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/workflow-scripts.html
#> ingesting: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/workflow-style.html
Once the store is set up, you can then retrieve the most relevant text chunks.
#' ## Retrieving Chunks
store_location <- "r4ds.ragnar.duckdb"
store <- ragnar_store_connect(store_location, read_only = TRUE)
text <- "How can I subset a dataframe with a logical vector?"
## Retrieving Chunks
# Once the store is set up, retrieve the most relevant text chunks like this
embedding_near_chunks <- ragnar_retrieve_vss(store, text, top_k = 3)
#> # A tibble: 3 × 3
#> id l2sq_distance text
#> <int> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 31 0.920 "# Excerpt from the book \"R for Data Science (2e)\"\nlin…
#> 2 625 0.941 "# Excerpt from the book \"R for Data Science (2e)\"\nlin…
#> 3 639 0.943 "# Excerpt from the book \"R for Data Science (2e)\"\nlin…
embedding_near_chunks$text[1] |> cat(sep = "\n~~~~~~~~\n")
#> # Excerpt from the book "R for Data Science (2e)"
#> link: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/base-R.html
#> chapter: # 27 A field guide to base R
#> section: ## 27.2 Selecting multiple elements with `[`
#> subsection: ### 27.2.2 Subsetting data frames
#> content: There are quite a few different ways[1](#fn1) that you can use `[` with a data frame, but the most important way is to select rows and columns independently with `df[rows, cols]`. Here `rows` and `cols` are vectors as described above. For example, `df[rows, ]` and `df[, cols]` select just rows or just columns, using the empty subset to preserve the other dimension.
#> Here are a couple of examples:
#> ```
#> df <- tibble(
#> x = 1:3,
#> y = c("a", "e", "f"),
#> z = runif(3)
#> )
#> # Select first row and second column
#> df[1, 2]
#> #> # A tibble: 1 × 1
#> #> y
#> #> <chr>
#> #> 1 a
#> # Select all rows and columns x and y
#> df[, c("x" , "y")]
#> #> # A tibble: 3 × 2
#> #> x y
#> #> <int> <chr>
#> #> 1 1 a
#> #> 2 2 e
#> #> 3 3 f
#> # Select rows where `x` is greater than 1 and all columns
#> df[df$x > 1, ]
#> #> # A tibble: 2 × 3
#> #> x y z
#> #> <int> <chr> <dbl>
#> #> 1 2 e 0.834
#> #> 2 3 f 0.601
#> ```
#> We’ll come back to `$` shortly, but you should be able to guess what `df$x` does from the context: it extracts the `x` variable from `df`. We need to use it here because `[` doesn’t use tidy evaluation, so you need to be explicit about the source of the `x` variable.
bm25_near_chunks <- ragnar_retrieve_bm25(store, text, top_k = 3)
#> # A tibble: 3 × 3
#> id bm25_score text
#> <int> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 29 5.62 "# Excerpt from the book \"R for Data Science (2e)\"\nlink: …
#> 2 645 5.54 "# Excerpt from the book \"R for Data Science (2e)\"\nlink: …
#> 3 624 5.07 "# Excerpt from the book \"R for Data Science (2e)\"\nlink: …
bm25_near_chunks$text[1] |> cat(sep = "\n~~~~~~~~\n")
#> # Excerpt from the book "R for Data Science (2e)"
#> link: https://r4ds.hadley.nz/base-R.html
#> chapter: # 27 A field guide to base R
#> section: ## 27.2 Selecting multiple elements with `[`
#> subsection: ### 27.2.1 Subsetting vectors
#> content: There are five main types of things that you can subset a vector with, i.e., that can be the `i` in `x[i]`:
#> 1. **A vector of positive integers**. Subsetting with positive integers keeps the elements at those positions:
#> ```
#> x <- c("one", "two", "three", "four", "five")
#> x[c(3, 2, 5)]
#> #> [1] "three" "two" "five"
#> ```
#> By repeating a position, you can actually make a longer output than input, making the term “subsetting” a bit of a misnomer.
#> ```
#> x[c(1, 1, 5, 5, 5, 2)]
#> #> [1] "one" "one" "five" "five" "five" "two"
#> ```
#> 2. **A vector of negative integers**. Negative values drop the elements at the specified positions:
#> ```
#> x[c(-1, -3, -5)]
#> #> [1] "two" "four"
#> ```
#> 3. **A logical vector**. Subsetting with a logical vector keeps all values corresponding to a `TRUE` value. This is most often useful in conjunction with the comparison functions.
#> ```
#> x <- c(10, 3, NA, 5, 8, 1, NA)
#> # All non-missing values of x
#> x[!is.na(x)]
#> #> [1] 10 3 5 8 1
#> # All even (or missing!) values of x
#> x[x %% 2 == 0]
#> #> [1] 10 NA 8 NA
#> ```
#> Unlike `[filter()](https://dplyr.tidyverse.org/reference/filter.html)`, `NA` indices will be included in the output as `NA`s.
#> 4. **A character vector**. If you have a named vector, you can subset it with a character vector:
#> ```
#> x <- c(abc = 1, def = 2, xyz = 5)
#> x[c("xyz", "def")]
#> #> xyz def
#> #> 5 2
#> ```
# get both vss and bm26
relevant_chunks <- ragnar_retrieve(
store, text, top_k = 3,
methods = c("vss", "bm25")
#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#> id l2sq_distance bm25_score text
#> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
#> 1 31 0.920 2.91 "# Excerpt from the book \"R for Data Science …
#> 2 625 0.941 3.58 "# Excerpt from the book \"R for Data Science …
#> 3 639 0.943 2.58 "# Excerpt from the book \"R for Data Science …
#> 4 29 0.980 5.62 "# Excerpt from the book \"R for Data Science …
#> 5 645 0.971 5.54 "# Excerpt from the book \"R for Data Science …
#> 6 624 1.22 5.07 "# Excerpt from the book \"R for Data Science …
# Register ellmer tool
## You can register an ellmer tool to retrieve chunks as well.
## This enables the LLM model to make tool calls to retreive chunks.
system_prompt <- stringr::str_squish(r"--(
You are an expert R programmer and mentor.
You often respond by first direct quoting material from book or documentation,
then adding your own additional context and interpertation.
chat <- ellmer::chat_openai(system_prompt, model = "gpt-4o")
# chat <- ellmer::chat_ollama(system_prompt, model = "llama3.2:1b")
ragnar_register_tool_retrieve(chat, store)
chat$chat("How can I subset a dataframe?")
#> To subset a dataframe in R, you can use multiple methods depending on your
#> needs. A common way to do this is with the square bracket `[` operator, which
#> allows you to select rows and columns separately using a matrix-style indexing.
#> Here are some basic ways to subset a dataframe:
#> 1. **Select Specific Rows and Columns:**
#> You can select specific rows and columns by specifying their indices inside
#> the square brackets `df[rows, cols]`. Here's an example:
#> ```r
#> df <- data.frame(x = 1:3, y = c("a", "e", "f"), z = runif(3))
#> df[1, 2] # Selects the first row and second column.
#> df[, c("x", "y")] # Select all rows for columns x and y.
#> df[df$x > 1, ] # Select rows where x is greater than 1 with all columns.
#> ```
#> 2. **Handling Tibbles vs. Data Frames:**
#> It's important to understand the difference in behavior between tibbles and
#> base data frames:
#> ```r
#> df1 <- data.frame(x = 1:3)
#> df1[, "x"] # Returns a vector.
#> df2 <- tibble(x = 1:3)
#> df2[, "x"] # Always returns a tibble.
#> # To avoid ambiguity in data.frames and ensure a dataframe output:
#> df1[, "x", drop = FALSE]
#> ```
#> 3. **Logical Vectors:**
#> Logical vectors are often used for conditional subsetting:
#> ```r
#> x <- c(10, 3, NA, 5, 8, 1, NA)
#> x[!is.na(x)] # All non-missing values.
#> x[x %% 2 == 0] # All even values, including NA.
#> ```
#> Each method has its specific use case and can be chosen based on the context of
#> what you're trying to achieve with your dataset. Understanding these subsetting
#> techniques provides flexibility in how you manipulate and analyze data frames.