Base Java Maven Project for Server API
- Eclipe
- Oracle
- MySql
- SqlServer
- Postgresql
- Spring boot
- Flyway
- Lombook
- OAuth, OAuth2
- Aws file upload
- Aws sns notification
- Spring data JPA/Hibernate
- Spring security
- Jackson
- slf4j
- log4j
- Jmapper
- jwt
- Get properties depend on environments: product, staging, development,...
- Quarzt
- Firebase
- Send mail using SMTP/Aws Sns with UTF-8 characters
- Freemaker for sending mail with template files
- Read properties files
- Singleton
- Java reflection for trim all String properties
- Apache Commons Lang StringUtils
- Docker
- Jenkins
- Log IO
- Maven
- Nginx load balancer
- Swagger
- Microservices
- Aws dynamo db
- Unirest
- Hiraki CP
- Sync data between microservices, rollback when exceptions occurs
- Web socket
- Meta model
- Forgot password