Rakkas js starter template Packages
tailwind+shadcn+daisyui for styling shadch add commands will work and put the components in scr/compnents/shadcn/ui buy default this tempalte comes with
- button
- dialog
- alert-dialog
- avatar
- card
- dropdown-menu
- popover
- input
- textarea
- label
- checkbox
- select
npx shadcn-ui@latest add
to add more component
then run
npx daisyfy shadcn
to make it work with the daisyui themes
the theme is persietd using cokies for smooth SSR without hydration errors and FOUC
emitToDocumentHead() {
const cookie_theme = requestContext?.cookie?.theme;
return `
<link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="/site.svg" />
(function() {
document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-theme", "${cookie_theme}");
you can also change the favico/other attributes you want to inject to the ducumnet head there othere places this can be changed is in preload functions
Layout.preload = (ctx: PageContext) => {
return {
head: {
title: "Chez Maison",
"bills, property managent,tenancy,monthly,billing,invoice",
description: "intergrated property management app ",
or in the head component read more
to modify/add themes add the in the tailwind config daisyui object , read more
daisyui: {
// 3 themes
themes: [
light: {
"color-scheme": "light",
fontFamily: "",
primary: "#433922",
secondary: "#34d399",
accent: "#343232",
neutral: "#ffe4e6",
info: "#62c2d5",
accent: "#966919",
success: "#25bbac",
warning: "#c88314",
error: "#e77982",
"--rounded-btn": "1.9rem",
"--tab-border": "2px",
"--tab-radius": ".5rem",
dark: {
accent: "#343232",
fontFamily: "",
"base-100": "#000000",
"base-200": "#0D0D0D",
"base-300": "#1A1919",
neutral: "#272626",
"color-scheme": "dark",
primary: "#433922",
secondary: "#34d399",
accent: "#966919",
info: "#62c2d5",
success: "#25bbac",
warning: "#c88314",
error: "#e77982",
"--rounded-btn": "1.9rem",
"--tab-border": "2px",
"--tab-radius": ".5rem",
tanstack/react-query for data fetching
fetching is done on SSR in the rakksjs hooks
for server only fetchigg / mutation use useServerSideQuery and useServerSideMutation read more
- @tanem/react-nprogress : for nprogress bar on route change
- pocketbase + typed-pocketbase
To generate type ,
run the command inside the pocketbase directory (same directory in which you run
./pocketbase serve
npx typed-pocketbase --email [email protected] --password your_typegen_pasorword -o Database.d.ts
then copy the Database.d.ts