This app helps you to make your Xcode faster by removing unwanted and deprecated files.
You can run cleaner weekly or monthly to keep your developer folder health and to save more disk space.
这个应用可以帮助你清除遗留以及废弃文件,从而极大的节省硬盘空间. 你可以每月或者每周运行一次进行清理。
Cleaner for Xcode is available on Mac App Store now, you can get it using the link below. You can also build it by yourself, please refer to Build
- run
npm install
in root directory - run
open macos/XcodeCleaner.xcodeproj
- disable
App Sandbox
in target'sCapabilities
- Run!
HyperApp is a Docker Automation tool and SSH Terminal, HyperApp on AppStore
npm/yarn 安装过程会在 下载库,这个网络会比较慢。编译过程中会去 github 和 sourceforge 下载依赖库。所以你需要一个系统全局的科学上网环境。