Tags: tijptjik/reveal.js
Toggle 2.4.0's commit message
Allow override of HTML escaping in code blocks
This way, authors can use HTML for special formatting.
Toggle 2.3.0's commit message
Toggle 2.2.0's commit message
merge in timer in notes window, timer now stays hidden until initial …
…time is set
Toggle 2.1.0's commit message
fixed issue with dependency loader failing when there were 0 async sc…
…ripts (hakimel#214 )
Toggle 2.0.0's commit message
remove sharing code for sample presentation
Toggle 1.4.0's commit message
clean up initialization, conditionally load classList polyfill prior …
…to reveal.js
Toggle 1.3.0's commit message
comments, tweaks and a new slide highlighting mobile support
Toggle 1.2.0's commit message
better example of state usage
Toggle 1.1.0's commit message
Toggle 1.0.0's commit message
Merge pull request hakimel#5 from matthewlein/master
contenteditable and arrow keys
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