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HELP-30386: fix bug with date calculations on Mondays. Refactor some … (
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* HELP-30386: fix bug with date calculations on Mondays. Refactor some date functions out of cf_temporal_route into kz_date.

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mark2600 authored and fenollp committed Jun 5, 2017
1 parent d60f2c5 commit df6d89f
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Showing 3 changed files with 216 additions and 166 deletions.
202 changes: 36 additions & 166 deletions applications/callflow/src/module/cf_temporal_route.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,9 +18,7 @@


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -110,9 +108,10 @@ process_rules(#temporal{local_sec=LSec
,Call) ->
lager:info("processing temporal rule ~s (~s) part of rule set? ~p", [Id, Name, RuleSet]),
PrevDay = normalize_date({Y, M, D - 1}),
PrevDay = kz_date:normalize({Y, M, D - 1}),
BaseDate = next_rule_date(Rule, PrevDay),
BaseTime = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({BaseDate, {0,0,0}}),

case {BaseTime + TStart, BaseTime + TStop} of
{Start, _} when LSec < Start ->
lager:info("rule applies in the future ~w", [calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(Start)]),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,14 +186,14 @@ get_temporal_rules([Route|Routes], LSec, AccountDb, RuleSet, TZ, Now, Rules) ->
,month =
kz_json:get_integer_value(<<"month">>, JObj, ?RULE_DEFAULT_MONTH)
,start_date =
get_date(kz_json:get_integer_value(<<"start_date">>, JObj, LSec), TZ)
kz_date:from_gregorian_seconds(kz_json:get_integer_value(<<"start_date">>, JObj, LSec), TZ)
,wtime_start =
kz_json:get_integer_value(<<"time_window_start">>, JObj, ?RULE_DEFAULT_WTIME_START)
,wtime_stop =
kz_json:get_integer_value(<<"time_window_stop">>, JObj, ?RULE_DEFAULT_WTIME_STOP)
,rule_set = RuleSet
case date_difference(Now, {Rule#rule.start_date, {0,0,0}}) of
case kz_date:relative_difference(Now, {Rule#rule.start_date, {0,0,0}}) of
'future' ->
lager:warning("rule ~p is in the future discarding", []),
get_temporal_rules(Routes, LSec, AccountDb, RuleSet, TZ, Now, Rules);
Expand All @@ -205,20 +204,6 @@ get_temporal_rules([Route|Routes], LSec, AccountDb, RuleSet, TZ, Now, Rules) ->

%% @private
%% @doc
%% @end
-spec date_difference(kz_datetime(), kz_datetime()) -> 'future' | 'equal' | 'past'.
date_difference(Date1, Date2) ->
case calendar:time_difference(Date1, Date2) of
{D, _} when D > 0 -> 'future';
{D, _} when D < 0 -> 'past';
{0, {0, 0, 0}} -> 'equal';
{0, _} -> 'future'

%% @private
%% @doc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -266,20 +251,6 @@ get_rule_set(RuleSetId, Call) ->
{'ok', JObj} -> kz_json:get_list_value(<<"temporal_rules">>, JObj, [])

%% @private
%% @doc
%% Accepts a term and tries to convert it to a kz_date()
%% @end
-spec get_date(non_neg_integer(), ne_binary()) -> kz_date().
get_date(Seconds, TZ) when is_integer(Seconds) ->
{Date, _} = localtime:utc_to_local(

%% @private
%% @doc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -465,32 +436,44 @@ next_rule_date(#rule{cycle = <<"daily">>
DS0 = calendar:date_to_gregorian_days({Y0, M0, D0}),
DS1 = calendar:date_to_gregorian_days({Y1, M1, D1}),
Offset = trunc( ( DS1 - DS0 ) / I0 ) * I0,
normalize_date({Y0, M0, D0 + Offset + I0});
kz_date:normalize({Y0, M0, D0 + Offset + I0});
next_rule_date(#rule{cycle = <<"weekly">>
,start_date={Y0, M0, D0}=_StartDate
,start_date={Y0, M0, D0}=StartDate
,{Y1, M1, D1}=_PrevDate
) ->
DOW0 = calendar:day_of_the_week({Y1, M1, D1}),
Distance = iso_week_difference({Y0, M0, D0}, {Y1, M1, D1}),
Offset = trunc( Distance / I0 ) * I0,

Weekday = calendar:day_of_the_week(StartDate),
case find_active_days(Weekdays, DOW0) of
%% During an 'active' week but before the last weekday in the list
%% move to the next day this week
[Day|_] when Distance =:= Offset ->
lager:debug("next day in rule is ~w", [Day]),
normalize_date({Y1, M1, D1 + Day - DOW0});
kz_date:normalize({Y1, M1, D1 + Day - DOW0});

%% This case handles a situation where the changeover of weeks could potentially
%% impact the calculation. If there is 1 week difference between the start and previous
%% date, and the dow is a monday (when this edge case occurs) and also the actual
%% difference of the number of days between the two is less than 7, we can be sure that
%% we have the specific case where prevday is actually the sunday before a monday start day.
_Val when Weekday =:= 1
andalso abs(D0 - D1) < 7
andalso Distance =:= 1 ->


%% Empty list:
%% The last DOW during an 'active' week,
%% Non Empty List that failed the guard:
%% During an 'inactive' week
_ ->
_Val ->
{WY0, W0} = calendar:iso_week_number({Y0, M0, D0}),
{Y2, M2, D2} = iso_week_to_gregorian_date({WY0, W0 + Offset + I0}),
normalize_date({Y2, M2, ( D2 - 1 ) + to_dow( hd( Weekdays ) )})
{Y2, M2, D2} = kz_date:from_iso_week({WY0, W0 + Offset + I0}),
kz_date:normalize({Y2, M2, ( D2 - 1 ) + kz_date:wday_to_dow( hd( Weekdays ) )})

next_rule_date(#rule{cycle = <<"monthly">>
Expand All @@ -503,13 +486,13 @@ next_rule_date(#rule{cycle = <<"monthly">>
case [D || D <- Days, D > D1] of
%% The day hasn't happend on an 'active' month
[Day|_] when Distance =:= Offset ->
normalize_date({Y0, M0 + Offset, Day});
kz_date:normalize({Y0, M0 + Offset, Day});
%% Empty List:
%% All of the days in the list have already happened
%% Non Empty List that failed the guard:
%% The day hasn't happend on an 'inactive' month
_ ->
normalize_date({Y0, M0 + Offset + I0, hd( Days )})
kz_date:normalize({Y0, M0 + Offset + I0, hd( Days )})

next_rule_date(#rule{cycle = <<"monthly">>
Expand All @@ -522,7 +505,7 @@ next_rule_date(#rule{cycle = <<"monthly">>
Distance = ( Y1 - Y0 ) * 12 - M0 + M1,
Offset = trunc( Distance / I0 ) * I0,
case Distance =:= Offset
andalso find_next_weekday({Y1, M1, D1}, Weekday)
andalso kz_date:find_next_weekday({Y1, M1, D1}, Weekday)
%% If the next occurence of the weekday is during an 'active' month
%% and does not span the current month/year then it is correct
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -645,7 +628,7 @@ next_rule_date(#rule{cycle = <<"yearly">>
Distance = Y1 - Y0,
Offset = trunc( Distance / I0 ) * I0,
case Distance =:= Offset
andalso find_next_weekday({Y1, Month, D1}, Weekday)
andalso kz_date:find_next_weekday({Y1, Month, D1}, Weekday)
%% During an 'active' year before the target month the calculated
%% occurance is accurate
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -715,101 +698,6 @@ next_rule_date(#rule{cycle = <<"yearly">>
find_ordinal_weekday(Y0 + Offset + I0, Month, Weekday, Ordinal)

%% @private
%% @doc
%% Normalizes dates, for example corrects for months that are given
%% with more days then they have (ie: {2011, 1, 36} -> {2011, 2, 5}).
%% I have been refering to this as 'spanning a month/year border'
%% @end
-spec normalize_date(improper_date()) -> kz_date().
normalize_date({Y, 13, D}) ->
normalize_date({Y + 1, 1, D});
normalize_date({Y, 0, D}) ->
normalize_date({Y - 1, 12, D});
normalize_date({Y, M, D}) when M > 12 ->
normalize_date({Y + 1, M - 12, D});
normalize_date({Y, M, D}) when M < 1 ->
normalize_date({Y - 1, M + 12, D});
normalize_date({Y, M, D}) when D < 1 ->
{Y1, M1, _} = normalize_date({Y, M - 1, 1}),
D0 = calendar:last_day_of_the_month(Y1, M1),
normalize_date({Y1, M1, D + D0});
normalize_date({Y, M, D}=Date) ->
case calendar:last_day_of_the_month(Y, M) of
Days when D > Days ->
normalize_date({Y, M + 1, D - Days});
_ ->

%% @private
%% @doc
%% Convert the ordinal words to cardinal numbers representing
%% the position
%% @end
-spec from_ordinal(strict_ordinal()) -> 0..4.
from_ordinal(<<"first">>) -> 0;
from_ordinal(<<"second">>) -> 1;
from_ordinal(<<"third">>) -> 2;
from_ordinal(<<"fourth">>) -> 3;
from_ordinal(<<"fifth">>) -> 4.

%% @private
%% @doc
%% Map the days of the week to cardinal numbers representing the
%% position, in accordance with ISO 8601
%% @end
-spec to_dow(wday()) -> kz_daynum().
to_dow(<<"monday">>) -> 1;
to_dow(<<"tuesday">>) -> 2;
to_dow(<<"wednesday">>) -> 3;
to_dow(<<"wensday">>) -> 3;
to_dow(<<"thursday">>) -> 4;
to_dow(<<"friday">>) -> 5;
to_dow(<<"saturday">>) -> 6;
to_dow(<<"sunday">>) -> 7.

-spec to_wday(kz_daynum()) -> wday().
to_wday(1) -> <<"monday">>;
to_wday(2) -> <<"tuesday">>;
to_wday(3) -> <<"wednesday">>;
to_wday(4) -> <<"thursday">>;
to_wday(5) -> <<"friday">>;
to_wday(6) -> <<"saturday">>;
to_wday(7) -> <<"sunday">>.

%% @private
%% @doc
%% Calculates the date of the next occurance of a weekday from the given
%% start date.
%% It is possible for this function to cross month/year boundaries.
%% @end
-spec find_next_weekday(kz_date(), wday()) -> kz_date().
find_next_weekday({Y, M, D}, Weekday) ->
RefDOW = to_dow(Weekday),
case calendar:day_of_the_week({Y, M, D}) of
%% Today is the DOW we wanted, calculate for next week
RefDOW ->
normalize_date({Y, M, D + 7});
%% If the DOW has not occured this week yet
DOW when RefDOW > DOW ->
normalize_date({Y, M, D + (RefDOW - DOW)});
%% If the DOW occurance has already happend, calculate
%% for the next week using the current DOW as a reference
DOW ->
normalize_date({Y, M, D + ( 7 - DOW ) + RefDOW})

%% @private
%% @doc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -876,8 +764,8 @@ date_of_dow(Year, 1, Weekday, Ordinal) ->
date_of_dow(Year, Month, Weekday, Ordinal) ->
RefDate = {Year, Month - 1, calendar:last_day_of_the_month(Year, Month - 1)},
RefDays = calendar:date_to_gregorian_days(RefDate),
DOW = to_dow(Weekday),
Occurance = from_ordinal(Ordinal),
DOW = kz_date:wday_to_dow(Weekday),
Occurance = kz_date:ordinal_to_position(Ordinal),
Days = case calendar:day_of_the_week(RefDate) of
DOW ->
RefDays + 7 + (7 * Occurance );
Expand All @@ -887,7 +775,7 @@ date_of_dow(Year, Month, Weekday, Ordinal) ->
RefDays + abs(DOW - RefDOW) + (7 * Occurance)
{Y, M, D} = calendar:gregorian_days_to_date(Days),
normalize_date({Y, M, D}).
kz_date:normalize({Y, M, D}).

%% @private
Expand All @@ -905,39 +793,21 @@ date_of_dow(Year, Month, Weekday, Ordinal) ->
-spec iso_week_difference(kz_date(), kz_date()) -> non_neg_integer().
iso_week_difference({Y0, M0, D0}, {Y1, M1, D1}) ->
DS0 = calendar:date_to_gregorian_days(iso_week_to_gregorian_date(calendar:iso_week_number({Y0, M0, D0}))),
DS1 = calendar:date_to_gregorian_days(iso_week_to_gregorian_date(calendar:iso_week_number({Y1, M1, D1}))),
DS0 = calendar:date_to_gregorian_days(kz_date:from_iso_week(calendar:iso_week_number({Y0, M0, D0}))),
DS1 = calendar:date_to_gregorian_days(kz_date:from_iso_week(calendar:iso_week_number({Y1, M1, D1}))),
trunc( abs( DS0 - DS1 ) / 7 ).

%% @private
%% @doc
%% Caclulates the gregorian date of a given ISO 8601 week
%% @end
-spec iso_week_to_gregorian_date(kz_iso_week()) -> kz_date().
iso_week_to_gregorian_date({Year, Week}) ->
Jan1 = calendar:date_to_gregorian_days(Year, 1, 1),
Offset = 4 - calendar:day_of_the_week(Year, 1, 4),
Days =
case Offset =:= 0 of
'true' -> Jan1 + ( Week * 7 );
'false' ->
Jan1 + Offset + ( ( Week - 1 ) * 7 )

-spec find_active_days(ne_binaries(), kz_day()) -> [kz_daynum()].
find_active_days(Weekdays, DOW0) ->
|| DOW1 <- [to_dow(D) || D <- Weekdays],
|| DOW1 <- [kz_date:wday_to_dow(D) || D <- Weekdays],

-spec sort_wdays([wday()]) -> [wday()].
sort_wdays([]) -> [to_wday(D) || D <- lists:seq(1, 7)];
sort_wdays([]) -> [kz_date:dow_to_wday(D) || D <- lists:seq(1, 7)];
sort_wdays(WDays0) ->
{_, WDays1} = lists:unzip(
lists:keysort(1, [{to_dow(Day), Day} || Day <- WDays0])
lists:keysort(1, [{kz_date:wday_to_dow(Day), Day} || Day <- WDays0])
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions applications/callflow/test/cf_temporal_route_test.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,20 @@

monday_failure_test_() ->
Date = {Y=2017,M=6,D=12},
Time = {11,47,7},
Seconds = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({Date, Time}),

Rule = {rule,<<"TESTRULEID">>,undefined,<<"TODTest">>,<<"weekly">>,1,[],[<<"monday">>],<<"first">>,1,Date,0,86400,false},

PrevDay = kz_date:normalize({Y, M, D - 1}),
BaseDate = cf_temporal_route:next_rule_date(Rule, PrevDay),
BaseTime = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({BaseDate, {0,0,0}}),

?_assertNot(Seconds < (BaseTime + TStart)).

sort_wdays_test() ->
Sorted = [<<"monday">>, <<"tuesday">>, <<"wednesday">>, <<"thursday">>, <<"friday">>, <<"saturday">>, <<"sunday">>],
Shuffled = kz_term:shuffle_list(Sorted),
Expand Down

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