Customizable Google Places autocomplete component for iOS and Android React-Native apps
npm install react-native-google-places-autocomplete --save
- Get your Google Places API keys and enable "Google Places API Web Service" (NOT Android or iOS) in the console.
- Enable "Google Maps Geocoding API" if you want to use GoogleReverseGeocoding for Current Location
Basic Address Search
import React from 'react';
import { Image, Text } from 'react-native';
import { GooglePlacesAutocomplete } from 'react-native-google-places-autocomplete';
const GooglePlacesInput = () => {
return (
onPress={(data, details = null) => {
// 'details' is provided when fetchDetails = true
console.log(data, details);
key: 'YOUR API KEY',
language: 'en',
export default GooglePlacesInput;
You can also try the basic example in a snack here
Get Current Location
Click to expand
Extra step required!
If you are targeting React Native 0.60.0+ you must install either @react-native-community/geolocation
(link) or react-native-geolocation-service
Please make sure you follow the installation instructions there and add navigator.geolocation = require(GEOLOCATION_PACKAGE)
somewhere in you application before <GooglePlacesAutocomplete />
import React from 'react';
import { Image, Text } from 'react-native';
import { GooglePlacesAutocomplete } from 'react-native-google-places-autocomplete';
// navigator.geolocation = require('@react-native-community/geolocation');
// navigator.geolocation = require('react-native-geolocation-service');
const GooglePlacesInput = () => {
return (
onPress={(data, details = null) => {
// 'details' is provided when fetchDetails = true
console.log(data, details);
key: 'YOUR API KEY',
language: 'en',
currentLocationLabel='Current location'
export default GooglePlacesInput;
Search with predefined option
Click to expand
import React from 'react';
import { Image, Text } from 'react-native';
import { GooglePlacesAutocomplete } from 'react-native-google-places-autocomplete';
const homePlace = {
description: 'Home',
geometry: { location: { lat: 48.8152937, lng: 2.4597668 } },
const workPlace = {
description: 'Work',
geometry: { location: { lat: 48.8496818, lng: 2.2940881 } },
const GooglePlacesInput = () => {
return (
onPress={(data, details = null) => {
// 'details' is provided when fetchDetails = true
console.log(data, details);
key: 'YOUR API KEY',
language: 'en',
predefinedPlaces={[homePlace, workPlace]}
export default GooglePlacesInput;
Limit results to one country
Click to expand
import React from 'react';
import { Image, Text } from 'react-native';
import { GooglePlacesAutocomplete } from 'react-native-google-places-autocomplete';
const GooglePlacesInput = () => {
return (
onPress={(data, details = null) => {
// 'details' is provided when fetchDetails = true
console.log(data, details);
key: 'YOUR API KEY',
language: 'en',
components: 'country:us',
export default GooglePlacesInput;
This list is a work in progress. PRs welcome!
Prop Name | type | description | default value | Options |
autoFillOnNotFound | boolean | displays the result from autocomplete if the place details api return not found | false | true | false |
autoFocus | boolean | autoFocus the Text Input | no | true | false |
currentLocation | boolean | Will add a 'Current location' button at the top of the predefined places list | false | true | false |
currentLocationLabel | string | change the display label for the current location button | Current Location | Any string |
debounce | number | debounce the requests (in ms) | 0 | |
disableScroll | disable scroll on the results list | |||
editable | boolean | editable from text input | true | true | false |
enableHighAccuracyLocation | boolean | use GPS or not. If set to true, a GPS position will be requested. If set to false, a WIFI location will be requested. use GPS or not. If set to true, a GPS position will be requested. If set to false, a WIFI location will be requested. | true | |
enablePoweredByContainer | boolean | show "powered by Google" at the bottom of the search results list | true | |
fetchDetails | boolean | get more place details about the selected option from the Place Details API | false | |
filterReverseGeocodingByTypes | array | filter the reverse geocoding results by types - ['locality', 'administrative_area_level_3'] if you want to display only cities | ||
getDefaultValue | function | Provides an initial value that will change when the user starts typing | ||
GooglePlacesDetailsQuery | object | "query" object for the Google Place Details API (when you press on a suggestion) | ||
GooglePlacesSearchQuery | object | "query" object for the Google Places Nearby API (when you use current location to find nearby places) | { rankby: 'distance', type: 'restaurant' } |
GoogleReverseGeocodingQuery | object | "query" object for the Google Geocode API (when you use current location to get the current address) | ||
isRowScrollable | boolean | enable/disable horizontal scrolling of a list result | true | |
keyboardAppearance | enum | keyboard appearance (iOS) | 'default' | 'default' | 'light' | 'dark' |
keyboardShouldPersistTaps | string | Determines when the keyboard should stay visible after a tap | 'always' | 'never' | 'always' | 'handled' |
listUnderlayColor | string | underlay color of the list result when pressed | '#c8c7cc' | |
listViewDisplayed | string | override the default behavior of showing the list (results) view | 'auto' | 'auto' | true | false |
minLength | number | minimum length of text to trigger a search | 0 | |
nearbyPlacesAPI | string | which API to use for current location | 'GooglePlacesSearch' | 'none' | 'GooglePlacesSearch' | 'GoogleReverseGeocoding' |
numberOfLines | number | number of lines (android - multiline must be set to true) | 1 | |
onFail | function | returns if an unspecified error comes back from the API | ||
onNotFound | function | returns if the Google Places Details API returns a 'not found' code (when you press a suggestion). | ||
onPress | function | returns when after a suggestion is selected | ||
onSubmitEditing | function | Callback that is called when the text input's submit button is pressed with the argument | ||
onTimeout | function | callback when a request timeout | ()=>console.warn('google places autocomplete: request timeout') |
placeholder | string | placeholder text | 'Search' | |
placeholderTextColor | string | placeholder text color | '#A8A8A8' | |
predefinedPlaces | array | Allows you to show pre-defined places (e.g. home, work) | ||
predefinedPlacesAlwaysVisible | boolean | Shows predefined places at the top of the search results | false | |
preProcess | function | do something to the text of the search input before a search request is sent | ||
query | object | "query" object for the Google Places Autocomplete API (link) | { key: 'missing api key', language: 'en', types: 'geocode' } |
renderDescription | function | determines the data passed to each renderRow (search result) | ||
renderHeaderComponent | ||||
renderLeftButton | function | add a component to the left side of the Text Input | ||
renderRightButton | function | add a component to the right side of the Text Input | ||
renderRow | function | custom component to render each result row (use this to show an icon beside each result) | ||
requestUrl | object | used to set the request url for the library | ||
returnKeyType | string | the return key text | 'search' | |
styles | object | See styles section below | ||
suppressDefaultStyles | boolean | removes all default styling from the library | false | true | false |
textInputHide | boolean | Hide the Search input | false | true | false |
textInputProps | object | define props for the textInput, or provide a custom input component | ||
timeout | number | how many ms until the request will timeout | 20000 | |
underlineColorAndroid | string | Text Input underline color (android) | 'transparent' |
can be easily customized to meet styles of your app. Pass styles props to GooglePlacesAutocomplete
with style object for different elements (keys for style object are listed below)
key | type |
container | object (View) |
description | object (Text style) |
textInputContainer | object (View style) |
textInput | object (style) |
loader | object (View style) |
listView | object (ListView style) |
predefinedPlacesDescription | object (Text style) |
poweredContainer | object (View style) |
powered | object (Image style) |
separator | object (View style) |
row | object (View style) |
placeholder='Enter Location'
textInputContainer: {
backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)',
borderTopWidth: 0,
borderBottomWidth: 0,
textInput: {
marginLeft: 0,
marginRight: 0,
height: 38,
color: '#5d5d5d',
fontSize: 16,
predefinedPlacesDescription: {
color: '#1faadb',
Web support can be enabled via the requestUrl
prop, by passing in a URL that you can use to proxy your requests. CORS implemented by the Google Places API prevent using this library directly on the web. You can use a proxy server like CORS Anywhere or roll your own. Please be mindful of this limitation when opening an issue.
Note: The library expects the same response that the Google Maps API would return.
- Places autocompletion
- iOS and Android compatibility
- Places details fetching + ActivityIndicatorIOS/ProgressBarAndroid loaders
- Customizable using the
parameter - XHR cancellations when typing fast
- Google Places terms compliant
- Predefined places
- typescript types
- Current location
This library does not use the iOS, Android or JS SDKs from Google. This comes with some Pros and Cons.
- smaller app size
- better privacy for your users (although Google still tracks server calls)
- no need to keep up with sdk updates
- the library is not compatible with a Application key restrictions
- doesn't work directly on the web without a proxy server
- any Google API change can be a breaking change for the library.
Please see the releases tab for the changelog information.