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A Clojure implementation of exact arithmetics for computable numbers on the Stern-Brocot tree.

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Lazy arithmetics on the Stern-Brocot tree

In this figure, the first three levels of the Stern-Brocot tree are drawn.

The figure above shows the first three levels of the signed Stern-Brocot tree SSB. Each path in in the right binary tree represents a positive rational number while each in the left a negative rational number. Irrational numbers can be represented as infinite lazy sequences on the trees [3].

The SSB is related to representation of numbers as continued fractions and in 1972 Bill Gosper found an algorithm for arithmetics on continued fractions [1]. In 2007, Milad Niqui published a work that generalizes Bill Gospers algorithm onto sequences of SSB [3]. The Clojure implementation here, with some exceptions, closely resembles Milad Niqui's work.


Assuming, you have installed boot, run

boot pom jar install

inside the repository. stern-brocot-tree should then be installed into your local Maven and can be included into project dependencies.

[stern-brocot-tree "0.0.1"]

Inside a project, reuquire the following functions.

> (require '(stern-brocot [tree :refer [Q->SSB SSB->Q R L fmt]]))
> (require '(stern-brocot [arithmetic :refer [add sub mul div]]))

Q->SSB converts a rational number to its SSB representation and SSB->Q is its inverse. fmt prints a human readble representation of the sequence.

> (Q->SSB -2/3)
(-1 #function[stern-brocot.tree/L] #function[stern-brocot.tree/R])

> (fmt *1)

> (SSB->Q [-1 L R])

Irrational numbers are infinite sequences of SSB. For example, √2 can be represented through (1 ~R ~@(cycle [L L R R])). That means we start in the positive tree and descend right, and then continue infinitely descending left, left, right, right. The further we we climb down the tree, the more precise our value of the root.

> (let [s `(1 ~R ~@(cycle [L L R R]))]
    (doseq [n (concat (range 2 10) (range 10 46 4))]
      (println (format "%-41s %-17s %s"
                       (fmt (take n s))
                       (SSB->Q (take n s))
                       (double (SSB->Q (take n s)))))))

Stern-Brocot sequence                     Rational          Decimal
R                                         2                 2.0
RL                                        3/2               1.5
RLL                                       4/3               1.333333333333333
RLLR                                      7/5               1.4
RLLRR                                     10/7              1.428571428571429
RLLRRL                                    17/12             1.416666666666667
RLLRRLL                                   24/17             1.411764705882353
RLLRRLLR                                  41/29             1.413793103448276
RLLRRLLRR                                 58/41             1.414634146341463
RLLRRLLRRLLRR                             338/239           1.414225941422594
RLLRRLLRRLLRRLLRR                         1970/1393         1.414213926776741
RLLRRLLRRLLRRLLRRLLRR                     11482/8119        1.414213573100135
RLLRRLLRRLLRRLLRRLLRRLLRR                 66922/47321       1.41421356268887
RLLRRLLRRLLRRLLRRLLRRLLRRLLRR             390050/275807     1.414213562382391
RLLRRLLRRLLRRLLRRLLRRLLRRLLRRLLRR         2273378/1607521   1.414213562373369
RLLRRLLRRLLRRLLRRLLRRLLRRLLRRLLRRLLRR     13250218/9369319  1.414213562373103

The last decimal, 1.414213562373095, correctly represents the first 16 decimal digits of √2.

The arithmetic operations are add, sub, mul and div and behave like the ordinary arithmetic operations. The example shows how to add one to √2.

> (->> (add [1] `(1 ~R ~@(cycle [L L R R])))
       (take 42)


  1. R.W. Gosper (1978), Continued fraction arithmetic, Unpublished draft paper, text available at (cited Dec 15 2016)
  2. A. Ya. Khinchin, Continued Fractions, Dover Publications, Mineoa, NY (1961)
  3. M. Niqui (2007). Exact arithmetic on the Stern–Brocot tree. Journal of Discrete Algorithms, 5(2), 356-379. doi:10.1016/j.jda.2005.03.007
  4. M. Niqui, Y. Bertot, QArith - A rational arithmetic library for Coq, (cited Dec 15 2016)
  5. R.E. Graham, D.E. Knuth, O. Patashnik, Concrete Mathematics. A Foundation for Computer Science 2nd edition, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA (1994)


A Clojure implementation of exact arithmetics for computable numbers on the Stern-Brocot tree.






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