Starred repositories
InstantID: Zero-shot Identity-Preserving Generation in Seconds 🔥
About Code release for "Autoformer: Decomposition Transformers with Auto-Correlation for Long-Term Series Forecasting" (NeurIPS 2021),
CTR prediction using FM FFM and DeepFM
🎨 数学公式识别增强版:中英文手写印刷公式、支持初级符号推导(数据结构基于 LaTeX 抽象语法树)Math Formula OCR Pro, supports handwrite, Chinese-mixed formulas and simple symbol reasoning (based on LaTeX AST).
[IEEE TMI] Official Implementation for UNet++
Keras code and weights files for popular deep learning models.
刷算法全靠套路,认准 labuladong 就够了!English version supported! Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why.
2020中国移动创客马拉松大赛AI巡回赛-复杂网络建模专题赛:基站退服告警预测 baseline
Deep Supervised Cross-modal Retrieval (CVPR 2019, PyTorch Code)
Implementation of AutoInt: Automatic Feature Interaction Learning via Self-Attentive Neural Networks
计算广告/推荐系统/机器学习(Machine Learning)/点击率(CTR)/转化率(CVR)预估/点击率预估
Alink is the Machine Learning algorithm platform based on Flink, developed by the PAI team of Alibaba computing platform.
4th Place Solution for CCF_BDCI_2016_Human_or_Robot
1st Place Solution for O2O Coupon Usage Forecast
The code for 2019 Tencent College Algorithm Contest, and the online result ranks 1st in the preliminary.
Convolutional recurrent network in pytorch
Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN) for image-based sequence recognition.
11th solutions for Kaggle - TalkingData Mobile user demographics
A tensorflow implementation of EAST text detector
搜狐算法大赛:主要实体词情绪识别 baseline
Deep contextualized word representations for Chinese
Tensorflow solution of NER task Using BiLSTM-CRF model with Google BERT Fine-tuning And private Server services
Simple embedding based text classifier inspired by fastText, implemented in tensorflow
2018-DC-“达观杯”文本智能处理挑战赛:冠军 (1st/3131)
搜集、整理、发布 中文 自然语言处理 语料/数据集,与 有志之士 共同 促进 中文 自然语言处理 的 发展。