Example code for connecting to Apache Kafka cluster and authenticate with SSL_SASL and SCRAM. This demonstration have use CloudKarafka cluster service
All of the authentication settings can be config first, something like:
git clone
cd kafka-scala-example
mvn clean compile assembly:single
The application build and store at dist folder with name <kafka-scala-example_2.0.0-1.0.jar>
You can start a Java application that pushes messages to Kafka in one Thread and read messages in the main Thread. The output you will see in the terminal is the messages received in the consumer.
The application can be store a jar file in dist folder. Now you can start the java application for pushes or receive message from/ to Kafka.
cd dist
java -cp kafka-scala-example_2.0.0-1.0.jar tinhn.kafka.training.ProducerExample <brokers> <topics> <username> <password>