This is the repo where all Tinkerbox folks can easily create posts to share their knowdedge and stories.
It is a static site generator for Github hosted blogs.
You fork/clone this repo, create a blog using any text editer you like, then send a push request back to master branch. That's it, your post will appears at our offical blog site.
Some git
and markdown
knowledge is needed.
Homebrew A easy way to install other command line tools on Mac OS.
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Jekyll is the blog engine to tranform .md text into static websites
$ gem install jekyll
$ brew install git
$ git clone
Now you will have a local repo folder named
, and the _posts/
is the folder where all the company blogs will live. To create a new post, all you need to do is create a new file in the _posts/
directory, and the blog MUST be in the following format:
is the file extension representing the format used in the file. For example, the following are examples of valid post filenames:
Create a new git branch for your post.
Edit /_posts/
to publish your blog post. This Markdown Cheatsheet might come in handy.
Once you finish editing, try to run jekyll serve
to see how it looks in your local environment at
Then you can push the branch to github and create a pull request.
git push origin your-branch-name:your-branch-name
You can discuss with people under the pull request until you think it's ready to go public, now you merge the PR into master
and the world will see your work immediately. Cheers!
You can add additional posts in the browser on too! Just hit the + icon in /_posts/
to create new content. Just make sure to include the front-matter block at the top of each new blog post and make sure the post's filename is in this format: