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PSFML is a Pascal binding for the ⚡ Simple and Fast Multimedia Library (SFML), providing Pascal developers with a straightforward way to utilize SFML’s multimedia features directly in their projects. Whether building 🎮 games, 🤖 interactive applications, or 🎥 multimedia tools, PSFML integrates smoothly with SFML, bringing robust multimedia functionality to the Pascal ecosystem.

📋 Table of Contents


PSFML leverages the power of SFML and makes it accessible to Pascal programmers. With PSFML, you can create 🪟 windowed applications, manage 🖼️ graphics, handle real-time user input 🎮, play 🔊 audio, and even stream 📹 video. PSFML is built specifically to work on 💻 Windows (Windows 10 and higher) and is fully compatible with Delphi.


  • 📝 Pascal-Focused: PSFML is designed explicitly for Pascal developers, offering a familiar and intuitive API that fits naturally into existing Pascal workflows.
  • 📦 Minimal Distribution Overhead: All library dependencies are embedded within the executable, ensuring a streamlined deployment process that eliminates external dependencies and minimizes potential compatibility issues.
  • 🛠️ Modern Compiler Support: PSFML is compatible with Delphi Community Edition and higher, enabling seamless integration for Delphi developers targeting Windows 64-bit. PSFML has been rigorously tested on Windows 11 24H2, ensuring stability and performance for professional-grade applications.
  • 🆕 Up-to-Date with SFML: Always kept in sync with the latest SFML version, ensuring access to all the latest features and fixes.


  • 🔑 Core SFML Integration: Full access to SFML’s core features for Pascal developers, including 🪟 window management, 🖼️ rendering, 🎮 input handling, 🔊 audio playback, and 🌐 network communication.
  • 🛠️ Extension Support: Includes several valuable extensions that add capabilities beyond the base SFML functionality.
    • 🗜️ ZipFile Support: Standard compression and encryption to manage archived resources like assets or save data seamlessly.
    • 📼 MPEG-1 Video Playback: Support for video playback, useful for creating 🎮 game cutscenes or multimedia features.
    • 📄 Enhanced InputStream: Built to work with ZipFile and other input sources, providing flexible options for handling data streams.
    • 📏 High-DPI Awareness: Automatically adjusts the rendering window size based on the desktop DPI value to maintain consistent visual quality on different displays.
    • 🔮 Future Extensions: Additional features will be added in future updates, enhancing the library's utility.
  • ⚡ Optimized for Windows: Developed with a focus on Windows 11 using Delphi 12.2 to provide a stable, performant foundation for 🎮 game and multimedia applications.

Getting Started


  • Delphi CE or a higher edition for development.
  • 💻 Windows 10 or higher (64-bit).


  1. 📥 Download the latest version of PSFML.
  2. 📂 Extract the contents to your project directory.
  3. ➕ Add the PSFML src folder to your Library Path in Delphi.
  4. 📝 In your project, include PSFML in the uses clause. To leverage the extensions, add PSFML.Ext after PSFML in the uses clause.
  5. 📁 Refer to the examples folder for detailed usage instructions and demonstrations of the PSFML library in action.
  6. ▶️ It is recommended to run the ZipFile01 example initially to generate the file required by other examples.


Basic Example

Below is a simple example of how to create a 🪟 window and handle real-time user input 🎮 using PSFML:

  PSFML,     // core SFML
  PSFML.Ext; // extensions; must always come AFTER PSFML

  LWindow: PsfRenderWindow;
  LEvent: sfEvent;
  LFont: array[0..0] of PsfFont;
  LText: array[0..0] of PsfText;
  LHudPos: sfVector2f;
  LWindow := sfRenderWindow_create('PSFML: RenderWindow #01');

  LFont[0] := sfFont_CreateDefaultFont();
  sfFont_SetSmooth(LFont[0], True);

  LText[0] := sfText_Create(LFont[0]);
  sfText_SetCharacterSize(LWindow, LText[0], 12);

  sfRenderWindow_clear(LWindow, BLACK);
  sfRenderWindow_clearFrame(LWindow, DARKSLATEBROWN);

  while sfRenderWindow_isOpen(LWindow) do
    while sfRenderWindow_pollEvent(LWindow, @LEvent) do
      case LEvent.&type of

          sfRenderWindow_resizeFrame(LWindow, LEvent.size.width, LEvent.size.height);

          if LEvent.key.code = sfKeyEscape then


    sfRenderWindow_drawFilledRect(LWindow, LWindow.Size.x - 50, 0, 50, 50, RED);

    LHudPos := sfVector2f_Create(3, 3);
    sfRenderWindow_DrawTextVarY(LWindow, LText[0], LHudPos.x, LHudPos.y, WHITE,
      '%d fps', [sfRenderWindow_GetFrameRate(LWindow)]);
    sfRenderWindow_DrawTextVarY(LWindow, LText[0], LHudPos.x, LHudPos.y, DARKGREEN,
      'ESC - Quit', []);



This example demonstrates basic 🪟 window creation, event polling, and drawing 📝 text, providing a starting point for any real-time application.


ZipFile Support

PSFML includes integrated support for working with compressed and encrypted zip files using ZipFile. This extension allows you to load resources like 🖼️ textures, 🔊 sounds, and other data directly from a zip archive.

MPEG-1 Video Playback

The video playback extension allows for MPEG-1 video file streaming, ideal for in-game cutscenes or multimedia presentations.

Enhanced InputStream

The Enhanced InputStream offers improved capabilities for streaming files, especially when used in conjunction with ZipFile, making it easier to work with archived content.


Contributions to PSFML are highly encouraged. If you'd like to contribute to the project, please submit issues or pull requests on our GitHub repository.


PSFML is distributed under the BSD-3-Clause License, allowing for redistribution and use in both source and binary forms, with or without modification, under specific conditions. See the LICENSE file for more details.



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