Tools set up Character's colliders We use Humanoid Character to get Avatar bone Define. Support Unity's Normal Collider and Fake LineSphere "Collider".
Open FTP_Tools/ FTP - AutoWrapHumanBodyColliders.
Select Collider Type (Normal and Line-Sphere Fake Collider).
Check if target is Humanoid and avatar is set.
Normal Type : click Mapping Bone and Auto create collider
Fake Collider Type : click Mapping Bone
Fake Collider Type : click reset and change bone factors to finish the init config
Fake Collider Type : after finish init you can judge each bone collider with handler in the scene
Fake Collider Type : add or delete bone in the inspector you can see handler(Clone) in the scene
- Open FTP_Tools/FTP - ColliderTools
- Select src and des target
- If they are same hierarchy just copy with name
- If they are unsame bone hierarchy u can use Avatar to map the right bone
- Select target you want to clear and click clear (normal collider and fake line-sphere collider)