Ntdissector is a tool for parsing records of an NTDS database. Records are dumped in JSON format and can be filtered by object class.
By providing the SYSTEM hive or the right bootkey in hex format, encryption layers will be removed from the right columns.
$ python3 -m pip install [--user] ./ntdissector
$ ntdissector -h
usage: ntdissector [-h] [-system SYSTEM] -ntds NTDS [-bootKey BOOTKEY] [-outputdir OUTPUTDIR] [-cachedir CACHEDIR] [-f FILTER] [-filters] [-limit LIMIT] [-cn] [-debug] [-verbose]
[-silent] [-ts] [-w WORKERS] [-nocache] [-dryRun]
NTDS Dissector
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version Display version info
-system SYSTEM SYSTEM hive to parse
-ntds NTDS NTDS file to parse
-bootKey BOOTKEY Force bootkey (skips the SYSTEM hive parsing)
-outputdir OUTPUTDIR Base output directory
(Default: /home/mehdie/.ntdissector/out/)
-cachedir CACHEDIR Base cache directory
(Default: /home/mehdie/.ntdissector/.cache/)
Filter options:
-f FILTER, --filter FILTER
Filter object classes, 'all' to dump everything.
Use -filters to get a list of available object classes
Default: [user, secret, group, domainDNS].
-filters Print all classes available for filtering
-limit LIMIT Dump a specific number of objects then stop
Display options:
-cn Toggle CN naming output (Default: LDAP naming)
-debug Turn DEBUG output ON
-verbose Turn INFO output ON
-silent Silent
-ts Adds a timestamp to every logging output
-keepDel Keeps deleted records
-w WORKERS, -workers WORKERS
Number of workers (default: 5)
-nocache Disable cache
-dryRun Launch in dry run mode, ignores cache files
> Dump users, groups and domain backup keys
$ ntdissector -ntds NTDS.dit -system SYSTEM -outputdir /tmp/ntdissector/ -ts -f user,group,secret
> Dump all records from the database
$ ntdissector -ntds NTDS.dit -system SYSTEM -outputdir /tmp/ntdissector/ -ts -f all
> Dump user objects and include deleted records
$ ntdissector -ntds NTDS.dit -system SYSTEM -outputdir /tmp/ntdissector/ -ts -f user -keepDel
> List object classes available to filter records
$ ntdissector -ntds NTDS.dit -filters
At first run, the tool builds automatically a schema of object classes and attributes. Both schemas are cached locally to skip this step on the next run.
Default directories:
- Cache files :
- Output directory :