title | author |
Version: 2.4.0
release-please is working to update extra-files now
This is a test for adding release notes automatically. Additional notes to see if a previous release is needed. testing release drafter
Making a change with updated config Deleting draft to see if new one is created.
test PR and merge sucks this isn't working right is it behind
test pr-triage testing UI test release-please changelog path
Now has auto-labeller. Will see if it works.
![Alt text](https://g.gravizo.com/svg? digraph G { aize ="4,4"; main [shape=box]; main -> parse [weight=8]; parse -> execute; main -> init [style=dotted]; main -> cleanup; execute -> { make_string; printf} init -> make_string; edge [color=red]; main -> printf [style=bold,label="100 times"]; make_string [label="make a string"]; node [shape=box,style=filled,color=".7 .3 1.0"]; execute -> compare; } )
Adding release-please testing
docs changes don't impact the notes. We'll add a fix Another change to test modifying PR notes
more Now test orginal set test new release